so about shinepro and his many wi-fi sharers..

NordicJag's Avatar
Don’t overlook ScroogeMcduck, just saying. Pit obviously used Trill handle to rampage through knowing he would get banned quickly and get us all to look the other way while Scrooge moseys on by, lol. Originally Posted by arañanegra
Yes, Trill's purpose was definitely diversion. He was even giving clues to other banned handles.
Stop harassing me please. Everyone here should be banned here. I'm not shiny. I don't care about shine. Leave my handle alone.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-07-2023, 07:18 PM
^^u good in my book bro. b a gangsta tho. dudes n bros dont cry, when they pissed they say "fuck you, asshole" like awnold wood..
Here we go again, lol. Even negative attention is attention nonetheless. Just thinking out loud.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Yes, Trill's purpose was definitely diversion. He was even giving clues to other banned handles. Originally Posted by NordicJag

I put scrooge and that other idiot on ignore at the exact same time. Works wonders.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I hope this is Shine/Pit re-emerged, might sound strange but I find his threads quite entertaining, with all the back and forth. It’s like that episode of Seinfeld where a portrait of Kramer is created, an older couple view it and say…..

I sense great vulnerability. A man-child crying out for love. An innocent orphan in the post-modern world.”

“I see a parasite. A sexually depraved miscreant who is seeking only to gratify his basest and most immediate urges.”

“His struggle is man’s struggle. He lifts my spirit.”

“He is a loathsome, offensive brute. Yet I can’t look away.”

“He transcends time and space.”

“He sickens me.”

“I love it.”

“Me too.”
I don't know what to say anymore. I simply started an account to hobby and I guess bullying new members is accepted. I'm speechless because I don't want my handle tied with any bullshit. That's fair. Most women I see don't care but this getting beyond childish and I'm asking for it to stop please
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Closing thread