... Not just by me there, mate.
Also by House Oversight Committe's own James Comer - and a number
of others who surely continue to point out that they GOT the
banking records. And "banking records don't lie!"
But then I also heard from President Joe today - via a reporter
fellow from the New York Post, who was asking Joe how come he
was in-contact with some o' Hunter's business partners and
Joe quickly got blue and cross, saying "it's all lies!" and what-not.
... But no worrys, lads - we'll surely keep chasing the Biden Money! $$$
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They do in fact GOT the banking records...because Biden turned them over, unlike the one that lost to him in 2020.
What they don't have, is any evidence of wrong doing. Seems kind of like the classified documents, doesn't it. Or like kids used to hear...one of these things is not like the other.