Encounter: BBW Sydney is for me

Black, brown, white, yellow
Fat, skinny
Blond, red , brunette.
To each there own.
Originally Posted by Lucas19
Black, brown, white, yellow
Fat, skinny
Blond, red , brunette.
To each there own. Originally Posted by Billboatman10
Originally Posted by hortical
I agree with Tomb. I don’t see a criticism here. Scoot was just offering his opinion and done I think with no malice. People are allowed to express there opinion
I agree with Tomb. I don’t see a criticism here. Scoot was just offering his opinion and done I think with no malice. People are allowed to express there opinion Originally Posted by Lucas19
My problem is in the equivocation. Why does my choice have to be compared to anyone else's? "
what you offer the bbw is what others offer for what they enjoy
This is patently obvious, so why state it? The intent here is what counts. I'm no rube, in case you haven't noticed, I play the fallacy game well too.

This hobby is all about choice, and he brought mine into the equation. Saying fat girls stink, or I don't want to see that fat bitch, or I wouldn't pay her a goddamn dime is different than talking aboutwhat I do in any capacity. That isn't just an opinion anymore.

I'm all for opinions, that's exactly why I'm here. I see a value judgment in his statement.
My problem is in the equivocation. Why does my choice have to be compared to anyone else's? "".
This is patently obvious, so why state it? The intent here is what counts. I'm no rube, in case you haven't noticed, I play the fallacy game well too.

This hobby is all about choice, and he brought mine into the equation. Saying fat girls stink, or I don't want to see that fat bitch, or I wouldn't pay her a goddamn dime is different than talking aboutwhat I do in any capacity. That isn't just an opinion anymore.

I'm all for opinions, that's exactly why I'm here. I see a value judgment in his statement. Originally Posted by hortical

I respectably disagree about what you think Scoot said and he was not the one who said fat girls stink. He expressed his opinion and you may disagree with his opinion but to say it’s anything else is something I disagree with
I respectably disagree about what you think Scoot said and he was not the one who said fat girls stink. He expressed his opinion and you may disagree with his opinion but to say it’s anything else is something I disagree with Originally Posted by Lucas19
First off, I never implied he said fat girls stink, I know the hairy load shooter made that comment, but, that is definitively better than what he did. If it was simply an opinion, I would have moved on.

Since yall mongers keep defending his words, let's give it the context it deserves.

The first time he commented on one of my encounter reports, it was about something I mentioned about the escort and a suggestion that it was a bad idea to go. Being a naturally inquisitive sort, I asked, both in the thread and most importantly, in DM what his opinion was on what I mentioned. In a very neutral way.

I heard crickets. This is important because it shows whatever his intent is when it comes to me, it is certainly not jovial, or even friendly. I probably rubbed his salt the wrong way. It is at best benign, but now I know it is not.

So we come to this event. Let me say the quiet part out loud, since you all miss it: "Dude, you write real good and shit, but why would we choose what you do, since we can choose what we want, and our choice is better than your choice?" There is no other reason to say that anyone can make the choice they want because every single one of us already fucking know this.

So, going back to the first comment. I suspect he deigned me unworthy of his counsel on the matter, for his reasons. Which is why I reject the notion that this was innocent.

Further, that 'stay safe' bullshit is a sideways slap at anyone who ever talks about bare. He is passing judgment on our choices as if we are not grown-ass motherfuckers, who are well aware of the risks of our participation in this hobby. Well, maybe all yall need that counsel, but I sure as fuck don't. Further, I personally know of people who prefer bare who choose not to share specifically because of his comments. So you can call it how you see it, but I know what is up. And the ironic thing is he probably rolls bare more than he mentions.

Now, let me be clear: I give two fucks about how he feels about me. Well, maybe one fuck. But this is really not about me. For all of you who are speaking up, giving your positions and posting, there are a shit ton of mongers lurking, watching this unfold very carefully. They have comments, experiences, and knowledge to share. I want that shit. I want to have more options.

They see his flexes, and not everyone is like me or you. I don't hold punches or do that sideways shit Scoot does. They see they can get attacked unfettered, and they will be discouraged. It doesn't matter if it is a little slight, it is still a fucking slight, man.

so now that you see that position, look through his posts, and you will see a pattern. It's all there in black and white, bros.

So, Imma call that shit every time I see it from now on, till I am banned or he stops that shit. And I suspect the Dr thinks I am right, which is why he hasn't warned me yet. I got me a few of those lol! But I think I have pretty much exhausted my quota of pushing the rules for this thread, so I'm dropping it till the next time. I'm not trying to get banned today.
Fellas - this is a hooker board - my best advice is

#1. Don't take anyone or any info too seriously
#2. Come here for facts and info - not opinions from people you don't know. I don't really care if you guys think a girl is attractive - I want to know are the pictures accurate so I can decide for myself.

FYI - I say "stay safe" all the time and I have never meant condoms - I mean pimps, cops, bat shit crazy providers, getting robbed.or worse......
This hobby is all about choice, and he brought mine into the equation. Saying fat girls stink, or I don't want to see that fat bitch, or I wouldn't pay her a goddamn dime is different than talking aboutwhat I do in any capacity.

This is what you wrote and since you mention him in the first sentence it implied to me that you thought he said that Maybe not everyone agrees with me

But if criticism bothers you then just ignore it. Any and all information is helpful and that’s what this site is about.

And this will be my last comment on this topic
So, I know I said I was done, but I always like to do a postlogue, where I formalize my thoughts, and give a conclusion of sorts.

This has been quite an interesting ride, and so I feel like I should say a few things. I'm quite sure at least one person is interested, so...

Southgate18 is an oligarch in this forum, a part of an elite. An escort once opined to me that she was getting a surge of clients after a review that switched to a flood of people saying they couldn't come to see her. This switch was based on one response from South in the thread. Such is the power of his word. And he knows it.

The chorus of support for him when I leveled an accusation, which continued unilaterally even after I presented my simple logical argument as to why I had a problem also confirms his broad support. If no one cared, there would have been total silence on my commentary. Interestingly enough, that seems to imply something about the impact I may have, but I digress...

So although I really didn't want to do it, I had to present my ancillary anecdotal experience to corroborate my concern. I also liberally interspersed my opinions in that statement. But this has never been a contest of law, but of one of opinions, and when that line is crossed, at least for me.

So a cocky, foul mouthed, verbose, loud mouth upstart has the audacity to challenge one of the old guard. They stick together, and know the art of the game. For me, this was never about them, but the others.

How this will ultimately pan out, I do not know. But I know I would not have left my lane if he didn't jump in mine and, well, you know the rest.

That being said, we can all hold our tracks, give the information, and have a great community. That is the end game.

Just some final thoughts on shit added after my mind was wrapped around this:

I disagree about one thing South said above: I do value other people's opinions greatly, and love a monger who will TOFTT and report back. I personally believe that is the lifeblood of this forum, and it's greatest resource, of which reporting on how an escort looks is a very small part. This is a part of why I try to give as much details as I can, because, well, I want that too.

I know I think i can write a spellbinding tale, and not everyone can do it as well, but every detail is helpful. I'm not judging, just affirming that more is better.

That is the beautiful thing about it, though. We each can utilize this resource that we have here in different ways to achieve the same end. How about that!

Finally, Lucas, I have agreed several times, all information is helpful. The more the merrier. That was kind of my point.

Cheers. Now go away all of you!
Hobby1750's Avatar
1) Nice review.

2) Don't get defensive with trolls; instead, give it right back to them.

3) I don't know why you monger or what your personal situation is. I monger because I love having sexual relations with beautiful, youthful, fit/sexy, feminine women. Paying for this type of woman is the only means by which I can obtain this type of woman regularly. I'm addicted. A positive sexual encounter with a hot girl gives me an incredible high.

But BBW?? That's a different story. BBW is always easy pussy. If you're genuinely into this type of woman, you should be able to get them for free. Try tinder/bumble/match and just say you're looking for friends-with-benefits. You'll pull numbers. You'll have a free rotation in no time. Heck, you throw $100 to single BBW's, and you'll have them queuing down the street. Fatties are the most abundant type of woman in upstate NY.

If you're all about rapport and don't have fitness/looks standards, you don't have to pay for sex.
Hort - I am not sure what I said that triggered you - but I agree with you that the worst part about this forum is when guys attack other guys taste in women or their choices about condoms. . Beauty and sexiness is in the eye of the beholder. Risk and safety are a personal choice.

If you like men, trans, BBW, spinners.......martians - I hope you find what makes you happy, but don't assume that is what makes other guys happy.

If you think condoms are important for your safety - then wear them. But stop lecturing grown men about their life choices and stop deluding yourself that most of these ladies are having raw sex with someone. Isn't that the point in wearing a condom?