Congrats President Trump - Another dominant victory in New Hampshire

eyecu2's Avatar
I'm calling bullshit on trump's New Hampshire primary win. Nikki Haley was ahead when the counting stopped, and a mysterious truck showed up. Driver looked Slovenian too. There's no way trump won fair and square. Originally Posted by tommy156
Did the driver resemble either of these two individuals??

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berryberry's Avatar
FACTS the leftists and Trump haters don't want to hear

winn dixie's Avatar
Absolute falsehood. And breitbart? Cmon
Dems are backing trump cause that's who they can beat
Trusted polls has Haley soundly defeating trumpf. But trumpf is behind Joe and can't win . Those polls are posted in another thread.
Haley is bringing in the moderate dems
Wh0ats wrong with th0at
The president represents all people
Not just magas.
berryberry's Avatar
Absolute falsehood. And breitbart? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Then provide facts proving it is false. You can't because the statement is dead accurate - and if you read the post, it was from one of your beloved CNN polls - not breitbart

Meanwhile it is not looking good now for your precious birdbrain Nikki. Reid Hoffman and a group that urges Democratic activists to make low donor contributions, have just bailed on Nikki Haley after her embarrassing New Hampshire loss and all the money they wasted there on her.

She has lost mini Soros. It's over

Did the driver resemble either of these two individuals??
Originally Posted by eyecu2

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winn dixie's Avatar
Said numbers are skewed. They are being pushed heavily by magas. Heavily misinterpreted.
Big win? Congratulations trumpf. You only received around 3 more delegates than Haley. Historic.
berryberry's Avatar
Said numbers are skewed. They are being pushed heavily by magas. Heavily misinterpreted. Originally Posted by winn dixie
So you can't provide facts to actually dispute or prove CNN's (of all people) exit poll is not accurate

Thereby confirming that the data I presented is indeed accurate and 70% of Haley voters were NOT Republicans
Cody69's Avatar
FACTS the leftists and Trump haters don't want to hear

Originally Posted by berryberry
Our you shitting us, CNN, you cut them up more than you do Biden. Get Real
... "Get Real"? ... But the FACT remains - it IS Real!

CNN and Fox-News surely reached the same conclusion
about Nikki's NH voters. ... Breitbart and Newsmax also.

... But no matter - the FACT is - Trump WON! Congratulations!

... And Nikki LOST.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Our you shitting us, CNN Originally Posted by Cody69
Are you now claiming CNN is wrong after defending them as one of the news sources you use and trust?

If so, please provide actual data to dispute their findings that 70% of Nikki Haley voters were not Republicans
Cody69's Avatar
Are you now claiming CNN is wrong after defending them as one of the news sources you use and trust?

If so, please provide actual data to dispute their findings that 70% of Nikki Haley voters were not Republicans Originally Posted by berryberry
Are you now claiming CNN is wrong after defending them as one of the news sources you use and trust?

No, I am claiming that no matter what anyone says good of anything democrat and if anyone (other than you or your MAGA's)backed it up with CNN you would go crazy of how bias they are. How fake news they are. You remember Clinton News Network.

Get Real!
berryberry's Avatar
No, I am claiming that no matter what anyone says good of anything democrat and if anyone (other than you or your MAGA's)backed it up with CNN you would go crazy of how bias they are. Originally Posted by Cody69
Even a blind squirrel (CNN in this case) finds a nut every now and then

Thank you for confirming that CNN's (of all people) exit poll is accurate and that 70% of Haley voters were NOT Republicans
The 2024 New Hampshire primary was rigged. There's no way trump won fair and square.