Alice, your "Advisers" thought it best to cut ties? Who the hell are Provider advisers...(sorry, I'm laughing)

With all due respect, your response was very well written (except for the adviser part, LOL) and there are two sides to every story. You always had great reviews (none lately except for Interests comments above); actually wanted to see you while you were with the agency...rktman isn't the first or the last to go off on a Provider, regardless of the situation.

Good luck to you.
TexTushHog's Avatar
And smell of cigarettes? Those who have seen me know that I am not so disrespectful as to violate your senses like that. Originally Posted by Alice Ayres
So are you a smoker or not? Your reply is rather evasive.

And why is your web site paused?
interests's Avatar
She is a smoker but does not reek of smoke. I am a non-smoker myself, and I can confirm that it is not very obvious on her. As for a review, I'm sorry I don't write reviews but let me say that the session that I had with her and Chelsea was one of the best doubles sessions I have had. Usually I am a lurker and don't respond to threads like this, but it caught my eye since I had just seen her yesterday. I had previously seen her when she was with Katy's group. I don't think she has an in call right now, which could be why you don't see a lot of reviews. Regardless I don't think she deserves this level of slander. Anyone who has seen her knows it is not true.
"I will probably be called a WK for saying this, but it is what it is. I am sorry that you had a bad experience Rktman, but it is contrary to my experiences with her." Originally Posted by interests
Well, I am glad you had an experience with her at all.......don't pay up front, hahaha....(not a good idea to help her out if she asks for an advance..I know better...just can't help helping sometimes......maybe I have learned this time?)....Oh about a review then??? Let's see here since June, 6 posts, high standards, no premium access..................WK???? about false handle also??? You are way obvious!!!

Am not going to dignify Alice's comments with a response. Suffice to say I do not agree with what she wrote. The facts are the facts the way I see them. I am not the only one who has raised the No specultating on forbidden topics Bubba3452 etc....... so go ahead and take your chances if you so choose???

PM me for details.
interests's Avatar
Well, how about a review then??? Let's see here since June, 6 posts, high standards, no premium access..................WK???? about false handle also???

Am not going to dignify Alice's comments with a response. Suffice to say I do not agree with what she wrote. The facts are the facts the way I see them. I am not the only one who has raised No specultating on forbidden topics Bubba3452 etc.

PM me if you want details. Originally Posted by rktman
Well, why did you want to see her if she had a No specultating on forbidden topics Bubba3452 That is very suspect if you don't mind me saying so. The problem with your statements is that you made a claim that she is thick and stinky. I challenge you to find a single person, other that yourself, that has seen her to repeat your allegations that she is as you say... Look at her reviews. Contact those individuals. I don't know what you said in your ROS comments, so I cannot comment on those. But your statements out in the open have at least two lies in them. Therefore, anybody else who can read the rest of your statements needs to realize that they may not be true. I am not going to write reviews, I am sorry. I do not need to prove myself to you. All I can see is that you pulled this same stunt with another provider, and had a great make up session after which you retracted your slanderous comments. So maybe you are trying to repeat. Well good luck with that. If you are so cheap that you need to do that to score some sex, I feel sorry for you.
You seem kinda defensive and know alot about me, you want to challenge me??? ...........hmmmm.........wonde r why??? Well this Alice or her about OBVIOUS!!!! Have not seen her and will not since I became aware of No specultating on forbidden topics Bubba3452 a few days ago unless I saw No specultating on forbidden topics Bubba3452 hey that might make a good challenge for you to enter into!!!.... Take good care and good luck out there!! Be Safe!!! (Interesting Avitar for a Man...don't you think??)
I’m sorry you had a bad experience You’re wonderful and always the perfect gentleman.

Muah !
TexTushHog's Avatar
interests, thanks for your input on the smoking issue and your contribution to the thread generally.

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Alice, since you no longer work for Katie Foxx, who are your new advisers?
cristy jones's Avatar
so bc u had a bad experience (no matter whos fault) u need to first slander then try and make her name worse by saying she has No specultating on forbidden topics Bubba3452 ??
cristy jones's Avatar
it seems you are a bit too obsessed...LET IT GO!!!
I’m sorry you had a bad experience You’re wonderful and always the perfect gentleman." Originally Posted by khloecruise

And you Ms. Khloecruise are the best ever!!! Thanks for the support....luvu babe!!
woops please delete