SCOTUS has spoken...

berryberry's Avatar
The Democrats got caught trying to steal the 2024 election from Trump

And the Supreme Court just crushed them 9-0

And when leftists falsely whine about insurrection, they are the real insurrectionists as everyone involved in trying to unconstitutionally remove President Trump from the ballot is guilty of insurrection.
bambino's Avatar
I think the fact it was a 9-0 decision speaks volumes about the Courts Ruling , and sends a messages to other States who may decide they can dictate who their constituents can vote for in a national election . Originally Posted by harleyrocks
Sounds like the definition of Democracy.
DNinja69's Avatar
9-0 baby. The leftist commies have been defeated. There was even a cheer from parts of the pool at the Florida resort I am vacationing at.

Democrats have been trying to interfere in the 2024 elections with third world style tactics.

Today, the Supreme Court unanimously told Democrats to stop these fascist attacks on our democracy. Originally Posted by berryberry
Factually incorrect this was not a political decision it simply involved a question of whether someoe can be removed from a ballot given the circumstances involved.

SCOTUS made the correct call and though the vote won't be 9-0 next round they will decidedly send Trump claims of 'me no bound by law' bullshit to a NO defeat as well next month.

Interference is the correct word as Trump failed at this effort after being defeated by feeble old Biden.

That was the basis for the effort to remove him from ballots.

Trump can't get out of his own way long enough to keep himself from needing teams of legal eagles and law scholars to try and keep him out of political retirement
bambino's Avatar
The Dems were unsuccessful in removing Trump from the ballot with their weaponized lawfare.

Not only did they fail, they overplayed their hand and justified their future reckoning. Now when Trump reclaims office, the precedent has been established that it’s okay to weaponize the Justice system against political opponents.

Now Trump has the optics, the public support, the political ammunition, and the precedent, needed to prosecute high-profile actors. The situation is primed for him to “drain the swamp”.

The public are also SIGNIFICANTLY more awake than they were in his first term. We have been getting hit with a ceaseless barrage of red-pills throughout Biden’s tenure, and with the rise of independent journalism on X, we have the platform and reach to disseminate truth and circumvent the corrupt MSM.

The avenue for justice exists. Will it happen? Of course we will have to wait and see, but there are some stars aligning here.
bambino's Avatar
Now that removing Trump from the ballot is off the table, the Deep State will have to explore other options…

They have to cheat in the election, cancel the election, or eliminate Trump.

Do they release another pathogen? Do they initiate WW3?

A cornered animal is dangerous.
DNinja69's Avatar
I am struggling to see how any of that resembles anything to do with SCOTUS decision from today but I am certain that Trump will try to spin and twist the facts to make himself look like a winner.

It is all about November now. Let the games begin!
bambino's Avatar
I am struggling to see how any of that resembles anything to do with SCOTUS decision from today but I am certain that Trump will try to spin and twist the facts to make himself look like a winner.

It is all about November now. Let the games begin! Originally Posted by DNinja69
Both posts specifically addressed removing Trump from the ballot? Did you skim over that. Of course it has to do with the SCOTUS decision
It will be interesting to read the opinions of this "awesome" SCOTUS when every one of them, except obvi Clarence Thomas, rules that trump is indeed NOT a king with "total immunity" next month.

Will they still be the bee's knees then?
DNinja69's Avatar
Both posts specifically addressed removing Trump from the ballot? Did you skim over that. Of course it has to do with the SCOTUS decision Originally Posted by bambino

For anyone reading SCOTUS opinion it really boils down to how the 14th Amendment can be invoked which is now defined as only valid by decree of Congress which I would agree with though it should have been a more definitive decision 5-4 is pretty weak and indicates to me that many including the Conservative Justices were looking ahead at the potential outcomes vs just examining the question at hand.

Either way solid move as Trump should only be removed from ballots for specific cause and the cases that may eventually result in convictions were not begun in time to reach a verdict before the GOP nominee is chosen. Far as I am concerned unless something new pops up once you are the nominee we have had time to examine the facts. Let the people then vote.

My apologies for attempting to hijack my own thread for making it all about Richard Petty. Or Dubya. Or a Hugh Jackman movie. Take your pick 43 may mean many things to many people.

berryberry's Avatar
I love seeing all the DNC media and other leftists melting down because SCOTUS stood up for democracy and the rule of law


Supreme Court rules 9-0 Trump STAYS ON THE BALLOT, shutting down activist fascists in Colorado.

You know Democrats overplayed their hand when liberal justices vote against them.

Great day for our Republic.

For the Constitution.

bambino's Avatar
House Democrats Immediately Announce They are Working to “Revive Legislation” to Ban Trump From Ballot in Light of SCOTUS Decision (VIDEO)

House Democrats Immediately Announce They are Working to “Revive Legislation” to Ban Trump From Ballot in Light of SCOTUS Decision (VIDEO)

BAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Of course, the legislation won’t go anywhere. This is all for show but it reveals just how dangerous the Democrat party truly is. (video)

Sounds like Rep Raskin is going back to rewrite the Constitution and thumb their collective noses at SCOTUS
Good luck with that !
DNinja69's Avatar
Well Trump did urge people to 'fight like hell' but then again just like had NO IDEA a march on the Capitol to 'stop the steal' would turn into something the opposite of peaceful I am sure he had NO IDEA his attempt to overturn an election would inspire Dems to honor his words.

It's a shitshow 100% and right now there are no clean hands. Dems wasting time trying to get Trump off ballots when there are actual issues to address but gee I wonder why they are so determined?
I think the fact it was a 9-0 decision speaks volumes about the Courts Ruling , and sends a messages to other States who may decide they can dictate who their constituents can vote for in a national election . Originally Posted by harleyrocks
... That's the Exact point there, mate - that I was trying
to make to Winn Dixie. ...

### Salty
bambino's Avatar