Trump wins Huge In Super Tuesday Primaries.

ICU 812's Avatar
So hen, Haley is OUT. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Sina on drums is great, but I think you were looking for this.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Did y’all hear?

DNinja69's Avatar
If anyone in this thread thinks waking up every day to a mountain of legal struggles half a billion in judgements so far and having trouble finding a powerful VP to join your ticket would feel like winning you would be feeling much different that I would in that reality.

Trump lost a fairly close race in 2020 and that kind of support for an ex President is expected. Yet Nikki Haley got a lot of votes cast her way. A good number of people Trump NEEDS to beat BIDEN do not think very highly of him anymore. He needs to move in ways that help correct that or we are looking at 4 more years of BULLSHIT
ICU 812's Avatar
Sina on drums is great, but I think you were looking for this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well OK, sure . . .but there is no quality video of the Surfaries doing Wipeout. Besides, Sina was sorta cute when she was still a kid.

Click around and you can find where she has posted non-deep fake nudes of herself.
If anyone in this thread thinks waking up every day to a mountain of legal struggles half a billion in judgements so far and having trouble finding a powerful VP to join your ticket would feel like winning you would be feeling much different that I would in that reality.

Trump lost a fairly close race in 2020 and that kind of support for an ex President is expected. Yet Nikki Haley got a lot of votes cast her way. A good number of people Trump NEEDS to beat BIDEN do not think very highly of him anymore. He needs to move in ways that help correct that or we are looking at 4 more years of BULLSHIT Originally Posted by DNinja69
Which only magnifies the point that if Niki would throw her support be hind Trump, she could bring in the votes that Trump needs and set herself up for 2028.

Alienating the huge number of voters that do support Trump will be remembered. Keep in mind, everybody says Trump cannot win without her voting bloc. Heck, she want even get the nomination without his supporters.

She has a chance to make history. Be the kind of VP that the Country deserves, not like that moron we have now.

And then be the first Woman President.
DNinja69's Avatar
Nobody should have to tuck their tale for Trump.

He decides how to conduct himself and with regard to other Republicans who could help unify the part does a piss poor job most of the time.

As for VP after how he treated Pence lots of good people are NO on that post.

Haley is better off on her own and if Trump does not work harder to get people wanting to write his name down the next L in November will be remembered for a very long time and not in a good way
... And Trump STILL Won Hugely! ... ...

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If anyone in this thread thinks waking up every day to a mountain of legal struggles ... Originally Posted by DNinja69
The frick'n Energizer Bunny could not keep running after 7 years of that stress load, yet - Ooop! Dey he iz! Much of which you can trace to the coven of dark witches, aka Hillarty Clintoon and "Vicious" Victoria Newland, the war monger.