Cuban Interactions

  • KFB
  • 06-01-2024, 12:13 PM
If you want these girls to sit on your lap, drink with you, play grabass for a little before you get dances, that's very doable. Learn a few phrases in spanish or use nonverbal cues, level of english is not the same for all the girls. If you're wanting to chop it up and talk about starting land wars in Asia then you're going to have a problem obv, op just might have to adjust his expectations of what he wants. At the end of the day, all these girls speak stripper, basic communication has been OK.
If you want these girls to sit on your lap, drink with you, play grabass for a little before you get dances, that's very doable. Learn a few phrases in spanish or use nonverbal cues, level of english is not the same for all the girls. If you're wanting to chop it up and talk about starting land wars in Asia then you're going to have a problem obv, op just might have to adjust his expectations of what he wants. At the end of the day, all these girls speak stripper, basic communication has been OK. Originally Posted by KFB
LOL, you are right, of course. There may be no good answer to my quest. And yes, they understand why we are there.

I did have a pleasant experience with one during the Mavericks playoff. It was close to half time so she sat in my lap, keeping my hands on her tits, until 1/2 time when we got dances. In this specific case, there was no real verbal interaction needed as I was really watching the game. Not exactly what I wanted but still met most of the elements. Unfortunately there won't always be a distraction in place of talking. But it did make me think outside the box a little.

I have found a couple that about our conversation takes place without a translator app. Even took one OTC. At the critical time of out date, neither cared what language was spoken
  • KFB
  • 06-01-2024, 04:48 PM
Glad you're seeing some results, adapting and adjusting is part of the game as I'm sure you know. I've personally never used a translator, that wouldn't be fun for me.

If you're thinking of conversation ideas, try a version of help me learn Spanish. You might just be able to point at items and ask her how to say it in Spanish. Start with innocent items like your drink, her hair, etc. Repeat the word in Spanish back and if you want to put a dollar in her hair, dollar on top of the drink, you get the idea. You can obv then escalate it to body parts, etc. You could learn to ask her in Spanish but I don't think you even need to know how to do that, just point and ask. That might give you some of the interactivity it seems like you're looking for, it's worth a try.
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