upcoming Presidential debates

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I just want Biden to ask Trump if the new Mexican president will finally pay for his wall... specifically, whether it his prison wall or his border wall. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

He'll pay for the wall if he gets to fuck 'er.

And then try to write that off as well.

ICU 812's Avatar
I am betting that the Biden camp will, on very short notice, insist that the President cannot be there in person and must participate via zoom or facetime.

They will give some security or health reason such as a recurrence of Covid or some other obviously bogus reason.

This will allow them to prompt him off camera. They may even experience "technical issues" from time to time to allow him to breath oxygen or take additional medications to keep him alert nd articulate.
Michael8219's Avatar
I am betting that the Biden camp will, on very short notice, insist that the President cannot be there in person and must participate via zoom or facetime. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Agree 100%. Possibly something like this:

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Biden should hammer Trump on "the big lie" and his failed attempts to overturn the 2020 election as often as he can. And get Trump off-script as much as possible. Trump will destroy his credibility himself.

As far as the prediction by ICU 812 -- totally ridiculous.
ICU 812's Avatar
What each should say to, or about the other is not my main thought. There is plenty of $h!+ for each one to throw back at the other.

I am thinking that what will "win" the first debate will be the performance of the candidates . . .how they present themselves in public and on stage.

Mr. Trump can speak for hours spontaneously and without notes. this is not always a good "show", but he can get his message out there. President Biden on the other hand has problems with spontaneous, note-free presentations. He often has trouble with a rafted script.

I fully expect that the President Biden will have a bug in his ear. There will be someone on the other end feeding him things to say. I will bet that, once again, the Biden team will have the questions ahead of time.

I will further predict that if President Biden does not show well in the firt debate, there will not be a second one.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am betting that the Biden camp will, on very short notice, insist that the President cannot be there in person and must participate via zoom or facetime.

They will give some security or health reason such as a recurrence of Covid or some other obviously bogus reason.

This will allow them to prompt him off camera. They may even experience "technical issues" from time to time to allow him to breath oxygen or take additional medications to keep him alert nd articulate. Originally Posted by ICU 812
How much are you betting on that? How about 10 days out of the Forum? Anybody want some of that?
How much are you betting on that? How about 10 days out of the Forum? Anybody want some of that? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Haha what would you do if ICU accepts and you lose as you seem to have no other life than posting on a hooker board non stop?
ICU 812's Avatar
How much are you betting on that? How about 10 days out of the Forum? Anybody want some of that? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

We are all in the betting pool and the jackpot is our collective future and the future of the Nation.

I will take the ten day forum bet, but not for the debates. I'll take that bet over the election . . .if YR will do the same.

To be explicit: If Mr. Biden is sworn in as President, I will not contribute to this forum for ten days. I expect to hear that YR will agree to the same ten days of forum silence in the event that Mr. Trump is sworn in.

Put up or shut up.
We are all in the betting pool and the jackpot is our collective future and the future of the Nation.

I will take the ten day forum bet, but not for the debates. I'll take that bet over the election . . .if YR will do the same.

To be explicit: If Mr. Biden is sworn in as President, I will not contribute to this forum for ten days. I expect to hear that YR will agree to the same ten days of forum silence in the event that Mr. Trump is sworn in.

Put up or shut up. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Hahaha do you honestly think that Yssup will take the bet? Hell a 10 ban from posting in the political forum will be akin to him getting the death penalty. Ain't going to happen as posting on a hooker board seems to be his life.

And as far as the debates are concerned I fully expect that old Sleepy Joe will have some medical emergency arise that keeps him from participating.
Agree 100%. Possibly something like this:

http://youtu.be/nHrh5E-zZ3U?si=tCd55Kel03XNq1s8 Originally Posted by Michael8219
biomed1's Avatar
It is time to return to the Original Topic.
ICU 812's Avatar
Hahaha do you honestly think that Yssup will take the bet? Hell a 10 ban from posting in the political forum will be akin to him getting the death penalty. Ain't going to happen as posting on a hooker board seems to be his life.
Originally Posted by golferguy55
Posting here is not my whole life. But I have severl health issues that keep me at home a lot, so posting here is one of my entertainment options.

I do not kid myself into thinking that anything I write here will change the politics of anyone with strong feelings either way. What I do hope to accomplish is to present my political views in such a way s to effect a change in someone who perhaps only lurks here and is less committed to one side or the other. That is who I write for and hope to reach.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Regarding the OP, I think I’ve given my opinion. Biden should repeatedly remind Trump that nobody is above the law, and that the justice system is just.

Oh yeah, and that the chickens hve come home to roost on Trump’s fat ass.

When was the last medical emergency that cause Biden to miss an event? You’re nuts if you think that’s going to happen. Trump is far more likelY to find a way out of the confrontation because he’s that kind of coward.

We are all in the betting pool and the jackpot is our collective future and the future of the Nation.

I will take the ten day forum bet, but not for the debates. I'll take that bet over the election . . .if YR will do the same.

To be explicit: If Mr. Biden is sworn in as President, I will not contribute to this forum for ten days. I expect to hear that YR will agree to the same ten days of forum silence in the event that Mr. Trump is sworn in.

Put up or shut up. Originally Posted by ICU 812
And pS - Consider that bet BOOKED!

Will Salty will honour the bet I’ve proposed for about a year? Doubt it. He’s a paper MAGA.
... Well, mates - the debates are coming soon.
Not very much that President Biden can say that's positive
with the piss-poor harm that inflation is doing, is there? ...

... Or the country being over-run with illegal immigrants
who pour across the borders everyday.

But former President Trump can say A LOT about those things.

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Well, mates - the debates are coming soon.
Not very much that President Biden can say that's positive
with the piss-poor harm that inflation is doing, is there? ...

... Or the country being over-run with illegal immigrants
who pour across the borders everyday.

But former President Trump can say A LOT about those things.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Biden can remind people that inflation occured worldwide with the inflation rate in the U.S. less than in most other countries and the U.S. recovered from the effects of Covid much faster than almost any other country. Unemployment rate was 8% when Biden took office and it has been under 4% for over 2 years. As you know, I just returned from Australia. I turned on the news the first night there and the first thing I heard was complaints about the inflation rate there. Gas prices over $10 a gallon.

Yes, the one area Biden can be hit hard on is the border crisis. I considered Trump's immigration policies to be despotic but it is easy to be not criticized for his policies when his policy was to not allow anyone into the country for any reason -- unless you were highly educated, spoke English, had high-level job skills, and were white. For example, under Obama the number of refugees let into the country legally was over 100,000. Trump lowered that number to 15.000.