for Kamala - not a statement form handlers or his daughter,
but HIM personally?? ...

#### Salty
... Has Dick Cheney actually STATED that he's votingUnsure, but the idea that his daughter would lie about his wishes is pretty outrageous. But that’s never stopped right wing conspiracy nuts before.
for Kamala - not a statement form handlers or his daughter,
but HIM personally?? ...
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Has Dick Cheney actually STATED that he's votingIt literally took a 5 second Google search to answer your question. MAGAs are funny when they try to be slick.
for Kamala - not a statement form handlers or his daughter,
but HIM personally?? ...
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Ye Christ! ... Merely asked the question, lads.I usually just chuckle at your attempts to say the most ridiculous thing imaginable, but seriously, WTF????
No need to soak me over it... Perhaps you're correct.
A girl wouldn't lie about her father... Not Liz Cheney
and not Ashley Biden.
But thank you for surely clearing that up.
Facts do matter.
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
strange bedfellows .. eh?And Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump is a convicted felon, a serial liar, a serial womanizer who cheats on his pregnant wife, a giant narcissist, racist, guilty of obstruction, hiding top secret documents, fomenting a violent coup, and completely unable to shut his mouth even when it would benefit him. He’s a bully, an idiot, too old, a tax cheat, incontinent and showing signs of dementia.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump is a convicted felon, a serial liar, a serial womanizer who cheats on his pregnant wife, a giant narcissist, racist, guilty of obstruction, hiding top secret documents, fomenting a violent coup, and completely unable to shut his mouth even when it would benefit him. He’s a bully, an idiot, too old, a tax cheat, incontinent and showing signs of dementia.
Even Dick Cheney recognizes the danger this absolute horror of a man represents to the nation. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
And Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump is a convicted felon, a serial liar, a serial womanizer who cheats on his pregnant wife, a giant narcissist, racist, guilty of obstruction, hiding top secret documents, fomenting a violent coup, and completely unable to shut his mouth even when it would benefit him. He’s a bully, an idiot, too old, a tax cheat, incontinent and showing signs of dementia.
Even Dick Cheney recognizes the danger this absolute horror of a man represents to the nation. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
OK, I might need some help with this, but I don't really think so.The better question is why would someone who is not a diehard Trump supporter listen to the Cheney’s? You’re making the mistake of thinking that Liz Cheney is a RINO or lost her seat in disgrace. That’s your point of view as a member of the Trump party, i.e. cult.
The last I checked Liz Chaney lost her seat in congress in disgrace. She's not in the US senate, not in any political job such as a state senator. She is just a normal citizen, just like all of us are. She only has pull to the weak minded.
Someone please enlighten me as to why I give a shit who she votes for. Her and piglosi's weak and feeble attempt to take Trump down was laughable to begin with.
I do recognize her father is a past VP, and is a part of the deep state of RINO's such as Romney and Bush, but I don't give a shit who they vote for either.
Why would anybody with an IQ over 10 care who celebrities, politicians who got voted out in disgrace, or athletes vote for? Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
The better question is why would someone who is not a diehard Trump supporter listen to the Cheney’s? You’re making the mistake of thinking that Liz Cheney is a RINO or lost her seat in disgrace. That’s your point of view as a member of the Trump party, i.e. cult.
Large swaths of the American electorate recognize her and her father as someone who put country before politics. She and her father deserve your respect as principled public servants rather than weak sycophantic turds who only care about their own position and power.
You don’t have to agree with their positions but you do have to respect their integrity.
Originally Posted by txdot-guy