I adopted the "policy" for a reason....but trust, bad service is definitely not the reason.
And don't get me wrong I love being reviewed, if only to know how to improve my services. Nonetheless, there is always the fear of receiving an altogether false review. (i.e. hobbyist makes up the review to claim credit). Happened to me on another site hence, the policy. (Although not a bad review, it simply was not true!) At that point nobody gains anything because the public is mis-informed & provider is left with the bs task of cleaning up the fictionalized work. I guess I should re-consider...
shells out $350 hr any info he can share with the rest of us is appreciated whether it be good or bad. if you do not want your business to be discussed, dissected or critiqued you may not wish to offer it. no restaurant wants a bad review but to expect a patron or critic will not tell someone of a poor meal because the owner would rather they didn't is foolish. on the flip side is service is great the reviewer does a service to other consumers [and perhaps the provider as well whether wanted or not] who thus more than likely will spend their money wisely.
Originally Posted by petiteassman