Encounter: Amazing Afternoon

BugsySegal's Avatar
8 posts on this thread by you two fellas and it originated in late September.

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Don’t worry, Scoot for mod will address this.
Don’t worry, Scoot for mod will address this. Originally Posted by BugsySegal
It's only a matter of time lol
It's 30 days of inactivity is it not? if you keep talking about Amazing Amy, it could be active forever. I don't like smokers myself, so I'd not see someone who reeked of cigarettes. If I can tell, not interested.
It's 30 days of inactivity is it not? if you keep talking about Amazing Amy, it could be active forever. I don't like smokers myself, so I'd not see someone who reeked of cigarettes. If I can tell, not interested. Originally Posted by Meridien
I'd be more concerned with the amount of pole these girls smoke daily rather than the amount of cigarettes they smoke personally but IDC about cigarettes I just know she smokes pole real well so it's worth the little bit of cigarette scent to me at least