Right room #, wrong hotel...

pyramider's Avatar
Wrong hotel, wrong city. Its my fault that you cannot tell where various city limits lie in metro areas. This happened about seven years ago in the Phoenix area.
DallasRain's Avatar
I understand...I used to live in Phoenix...
It is a city that is very hard to navigate!
Madame X's Avatar
I had a man do that to me once... he was staying in one of those hotels that has a million different mini brands, and he confused one with the other.

It was a little funny after the fact, I kept calling him, and he kept calling me, and after about 15 minutes of me running around hallways and him going down to the lobby to try and find me, he realized his mistake. Luckily, we were able to right the situation in a few minutes since the hotels were right next to each other.

He though it was hilarious... I really wasn't as amused, but given the circumstances it was an understandable mistake!

~Mme X~
Combustion's Avatar
I've misheard the number a few times, but I always call for them to answer the door instead of knock so it was never an issue.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've misheard the number a few times, but I always call for them to answer the door instead of knock so it was never an issue. Originally Posted by Combustion
Yeah nothing says "john" quite like a nervous guy standing outside a hotel room talking on the phone waiting for the door to open
hwygnome's Avatar
While not for fun I have had to make people mad when the following happens if they don't get to mad. If they do then add in a little language.
Them: Hotel X
Me: Which one?
Them:Hotel X
Me: Which one?
Them:The on one Z.
Me:Which one on Z?
Me:N or S

Or of course the old:
Them:Hotel X airport
Me:N, E, S, W or V
Them:I don't know
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 03-19-2010, 08:05 PM

Did you happen to post this around 4:28 today? Good comments, bro