Lot of whining? What thread are you talking bout, Willis? This one? Just a few hours ago you were whining that there weren’t any responses from the loyal opposition.
Seems like you need to make up your mind.
Lots of wining from the left.
Now, will someone explain why sixty years of affirmative action is still not enough preferential treatment?
How about examining the difference in attitude between the incoming indigenous peoples of sub-Saharan Africa and African Americans? What about the incoming people of color from the Carrabine Islands and African Americans?
All I hear from the progressive liberals here is silence on the questions.
If the USA is such a bad place, with such a deplorable history of social injustice, why do these incoming groups of people, indistinguishable from African Americans by appearance, all look on America as the land of opportunity? Originally Posted by ICU 812
And that says it all. . . .and you have made my point.If that’s true then you should be horrified by the President’s plans to turn the federal government from a meritocratic institution into a political patronage machine.
Preferential treatment in colleg admissions and employment should be abolished in favor of proficiency and performance in academia and the workplace. Originally Posted by ICU 812
You’re a comedian now? The only government job that applies to is the service, not including the officer corps. Originally Posted by JacuzzmeI don’t think it’s funny at all. Federal employees shouldn’t have to fear for their jobs merely because a new administration has been voted in to office. But i’m going to stop here because we’re off topic.
If that’s true then you should be horrified by the President’s plans to turn the federal government from a meritocratic institution into a political patronage machine.Thank you for most of that.
Federal employees are more often than not in their jobs because they have proficiency in skills and have passed rigorous performance standards.
I have not commented yet on this DEI topic because for the most part I agree with your stance on DEI programs in college.
I agree with the sentiment that good education in the US should require a diverse mix of students and teachers. I’m just not sure that DEI programs are the best option to get it. I also believe that some of the more vocal opponents of DEI use language that make them sound like assholes rather than rational reasoning people.
Of course the same sentiment applies to pro DEI activists as well. Assholes. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
If that’s true then you should be horrified by the President’s plans to turn the federal government from a meritocratic institution into a political patronage machine.Its obvious you don't deal with Federal employees of virtually ANY kind. If you did, you would know better than to say something so stupid. Sure there are Feds doing valuable work, but 80% of them could be fired without anyone noticing the depletion in services... Most of what they do is shuffling dollars from net producers to net consumers. You don't need the largest employee organization in world history to accomplish that.
Federal employees are more often than not in their jobs because they have proficiency in skills and have passed rigorous performance standards. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I don’t think it’s funny at all. Federal employees shouldn’t have to fear for their jobs merely because a new administration has been voted in to office. But i’m going to stop here because we’re off topic. Originally Posted by txdot-guyWhy the hell not? He’s the chief executive, any government employees under the executive branch serve at the president’s pleasure. He should be able to hire or fire whoever he wants.