What will you think if

txdot-guy's Avatar
To prevent the Constitutional process of not certifying the votes until there was some investigation into election irregularities. Everything (including the finding of the pipebombs) was tied to the 2PM certification. By creating a staged "insurrection" Pelosi and the Intel blob that helped execute the election theft, took the focus OFF of the Constitutional process. A process that existed and has now been legislated out of existence... specifically because the Democrats knew it was legal.

What did the Trump supporters hope to achieve? Anything NEAR as logical as what the Feds wanted?

Your problem is you assume the government is acting in good faith.

It should be obvious by now to the casual observer that they are not.

Good luck with that blind faith... assuming Trump lives to take office, you're going to have a crisis of faith when this shit gets exposed.

Ask yourself this... why would someone plant a bomb 17 hours before they want it to go off with a 1 hour kitchen timer detonator attached? Does that make sense to you? I mean how do you explain the timer working for 17 hours and not going off, or is it more logical to say, that the bomb was never intended to detonate... just to be found and pull Capitol Police Resources to its location?

Why has Karmela never mentioned the fact that she was at the DNC within yards of the pipe bomb and yet she never felt threatened? Surely this attempt on her life being with range of a pipebomb is something worth mentioning?

I don't understand how anyone can't look at the facts regarding J6 and not come to the conclusion the government was involved... just like they were with the Whitmer kidnapping. Originally Posted by texassapper
This entire scenario you posit is entirely based on the assumption that Trump actually won the 2020 election and Mike Pence was going to not certify the count. Without that there is just no reason for the FBI to be involved in inciting a riot.

The fact that you don’t trust the government except for when Trump is in office is puzzling because that is how it appears to me.

Take a chance and consider that Trump might be lying to the American people.
texassapper's Avatar
This entire scenario you posit is entirely based on the assumption that Trump actually won the 2020 election and Mike Pence was going to not certify the count. Without that there is just no reason for the FBI to be involved in inciting a riot. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No, it isn't based on the assumption that Trump won. It's based on the FACTS that there were shit tons of irregularities which have never been investigated. The fact that 18 MIL voters appeared to have disappeared off the face of the planet doesn't enhance the appearance of legitimacy that govt. censorship in concert with the media enforced.
txdot-guy's Avatar
No, it isn't based on the assumption that Trump won. It's based on the FACTS that there were shit tons of irregularities which have never been investigated. The fact that 18 MIL voters appeared to have disappeared off the face of the planet doesn't enhance the appearance of legitimacy that govt. censorship in concert with the media enforced. Originally Posted by texassapper
Says who? 18 million votes disappeared. I am unsure of your meaning. Which votes and how do you know that they disappeared?

Please explain.
... One thing's for certain - a New Special Council coming next year
WILL give us those answers... Just WHO is the Pipe-Bomber and
WHO sent him (or her) to do it.

#### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
Says who? 18 million votes disappeared. I am unsure of your meaning. Which votes and how do you know that they disappeared?

Please explain. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You must be the only person on the planet that hasn't seen this.

It's relevant to this because THIS is what J6 was meant to obscure. and it's not 18 MIL missing people (although it should be)... what it really means is 18 MIL missing ballots.

So just as a hypothetical... suppose that next year during investigations it becomes clear that the FBI and or HSC were heavily involved in the J6 events...

Would you consider J6 an insurrection?

You're gonna see that this becomes relevant really quickly when Congress reconvenes.

txdot-guy's Avatar
You must be the only person on the planet that hasn't seen this.

It's relevant to this because THIS is what J6 was meant to obscure. and it's not 18 MIL missing people (although it should be)... what it really means is 18 MIL missing ballots.

So just as a hypothetical... suppose that next year during investigations it becomes clear that the FBI and or HSC were heavily involved in the J6 events...

Would you consider J6 an insurrection?

You're gonna see that this becomes relevant really quickly when Congress reconvenes. Originally Posted by texassapper
The only thing that this graphic shows is that voter participation went up in 2020. Probably due to the fact that we were in a pandemic and people had more time on their hands to become politically engaged.

Again your hypothesis is correct only if you choose to believe that the democrats cheated in some way and you are choosing to see evidence of wrongdoing that can more easily be explained as real life rather than a conspiracy.

This is real life.
Trump lost.
Refused to believe it.
Insisted that cheating was going on.
Tried to convince local officials to change their vote totals but failed.
Sent his legal team to court but failed.
Conspired with republicans in battle ground states to come up with illegal alternative electors.
Lied continuously to the American people about the election.
Used said lies to gin up enough anger to draw legitimate protesters and some crazed nut bars to the Capitol on January 6th.
Held a rally on the morning of January 6th to stoke that anger.
Watched a riot develop and destroy the capitol building and threaten the lives of our elected representatives while doing nothing.
And lastly threaten the Vice President to halt the proceedings so he could try and stay in power.

I welcome an investigation into January 6th because the truth needs to come out while Trump is in office. But it will never happen because the truth will hurt Trump and his administration and he knows it.
texassapper's Avatar
This entire scenario you posit is entirely based on the assumption that Trump actually won the 2020 election and Mike Pence was going to not certify the count. Without that there is just no reason for the FBI to be involved in inciting a riot. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
What if I told you there were more than 100 Federal agents in the crowd at the Capitol that day?

What is your explanation for that if they were ACTUALLY there? What were they doing?

Why is the IG refusing to release a report of which assets from the DOJ and FBI were on the ground on 1/6?

It’s been four years since this happened and it’s been months since the report was done and now the election is over, but yet they are still refusing to release this information.

This is exactly why we need a complete overhaul at these departments because they don’t serve the people.

People are sick of being lied to and having pertinent information with held from them. That’s why no one trusts these agencies anymore.
texassapper's Avatar
The only thing that this graphic shows is that voter participation went up in 2020. Probably due to the fact that we were in a pandemic and people had more time on their hands to become politically engaged. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
LOL... yeah thats it. See those aren't voters. I mean hypothetically they are, but those are actually ballot counts.

So where did all the Democrat voters go? I mean... Trump is a CRIMINAL RIGHT!? THis was a referendum on SAVING DEMOCRACY!!! Record turn out at the polls... but 18 million Democrats stayed home or didn't bother to mail in their ballots?


Yeah you keep singing that tune...
txdot-guy's Avatar
So where did all the Democrat voters go? I mean... Trump is a CRIMINAL RIGHT!? THis was a referendum on SAVING DEMOCRACY!!! Record turn out at the polls... but 18 million Democrats stayed home or didn't bother to mail in their ballots?


Yeah you keep singing that tune... Originally Posted by texassapper
Look at your own chart. First of all it’s completely unattributed so I can’t verify the numbers. But even so it shows more republican votes in 2020 than in 2024.

I also believe that a significant number of people in the electorate simply sat on the sidelines this election. Especially people who didn’t want to vote for Harris but wouldn’t vote for Trump either.

So yes i’ll continue to believe it because it is much more believable than the kind of conspiratorial nonsense that you are spewing.

Take a look at voter turnout in 2020 and 2024.

Year. Eligible. Voted. Percentage.
2020. 240,628,443 158,427,986 65.8%
2024. 244,666,890 155,803,701 63.7%


Not exactly a huge difference between 2020 and 2024
texassapper's Avatar
Okay. So ignore the voting. It’s sort of irrelevant as to motives. I think it’s the motive.

BUT… if it turns out there were 100+ federal agents in the crowns on J6…

Why were they there?

You assume they weren’t present because you don’t believe in the 2020 election fraud. I believe you will be proven wrong. If so, then why were they there and why has the government not been transparent about that?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Okay. So ignore the voting. It’s sort of irrelevant as to motives. I think it’s the motive.

BUT… if it turns out there were 100+ federal agents in the crowns on J6…

Why were they there?

You assume they weren’t present because you don’t believe in the 2020 election fraud. I believe you will be proven wrong. If so, then why were they there and why has the government not been transparent about that? Originally Posted by texassapper

You posit that in the crowd of people who participated in the January 6th riot that a 100+ number of federal agents were involved. Even though hundreds of hours of footage was recorded and posted online no one has stepped forward and said “I know that guy, he’s a federal agent!”.

If the government had as many agents in place to create the riot in the first place don’t you think that someone would have talked to the press by now?

Isn’t it more likely that the movement and direction of federal law enforcement personnel is kept private just like other law enforcement agencies both federal state and local. How do you know that the federal agencies have not already provided the information to congress as part of the January 6th investigation but it just hasn’t been released due to privacy and operational concerns.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The only thing that this graphic shows is that voter participation went up in 2020... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
This shows what time of day the participation went up in 2 of the several swing states. The others did as well.

txdot-guy's Avatar
This shows what time of day the participation went up in 2 of the several swing states. The others did as well.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
And what exactly is this supposed to show? Is this suspicious in some way?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
And what exactly is this supposed to show? Is this suspicious in some way? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
It shows a pattern in 7 States at approximately the same time across the country. If I were even a 6th grade data analyst, I would look there.

Though I would also review the tapes of election observers being told to call it a day, then busting out boxes of ballots to stuff into the machines. Failing that, I would look into the great sewer flood that did not actually occur, but did flush out election observers from the facility.

Where is your empathy and concern for finding the 18-MILLION missing souls? We don't have that many milk cartons to post them all.
MT Bowels's Avatar
It shows a pattern in 7 States at approximately the same time across the country. If I were even a 6th grade data analyst, I would look there.

Though I would also review the tapes of election observers being told to call it a day, then busting out boxes of ballots to stuff into the machines. Failing that, I would look into the great sewer flood that did not actually occur, but did flush out election observers from the facility.

Where is your empathy and concern for finding the 18-MILLION missing souls? We don't have that many milk cartons to post them all. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The media was talking about political fatigue and few months back and that's one of the reasons I didn't bother to vote this time. Maybe there's 18 million people who feel like I do.