I say, boy, Two Tiers, I say, Two Tiers of justice

you’ve been rage whining in every thread on the board. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There goes another irony meter....
MT Bowels's Avatar
You want something to cry about here you go assup!
Staff Edit -
#15 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member.
Precious_b's Avatar
Love the cherry picking and faux outrage.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Call him before Congress when it reconvenes. If he refuses, jail him. If he lies under oath, jail him.

He's not out of the woods yet.

Originally Posted by texassapper

Ripmany's Avatar
Just look at my child support case.
Ripmany's Avatar
Just look at my child support case. And how I can't even see my kid not fair.