Assault weapons ban

winn dixie's Avatar
How many more schools malls concerts churches must be shot up? How many more inner city youth must die before we rid our society of these unnecessary and useless weapons ?
They were designed and intended for the battlefield only. Let's keep them there and end mass civilian killings
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Strong supporter of the 2cd here. Originally Posted by winn dixie
But in today's society there's no reason to have assault weapons of any kind. They're really not meant for hunting. Not needed for home or personal defense. They're meant and designed for the battlefield only.
I'm a hunter collector and shooter. Served in the marines. There's zero reasons to have these weapons of war.
Throwing off an oppressive government?
Plus we should do away with the class three permits. No one should need to be hampered financially or with government red tape to acquire constitutionally protected full auto weapons period.
A full ban on assault weapons is a no Brainer. These weapons have zero purpose in anyone's hands outside the battlefield they were designed for.
Time is now to eliminate them from society! Let your law makers know and stand up to the fascist nra
and the sheep go baaaa.

Too many of these assault weapons are being converted quite easily with disconnectors switches. It's becoming a huge problem for law enforcement.
No, it’s actually not. Hammers and baseball bats are used more often in crimes than long guns.
Time to ban these killing tools for the public.
Hammers, or…?
No argument can be made for these weapons to be allowed for any reason to own.
It appears the opposite is true.
texassapper's Avatar
So the premise of the second amendment, as stated in the first 13 words, doesn't even apply anymore in the modern world. Originally Posted by GolfNut6372

You have a completely uninformed understanding of the 2A.

THe militia is ALL of us. All able bodied Males ~16 - 60... we are the militia.

The security of the state doesn't mean just against foreign invaders... it means the security of the state... In other words, an armed citizenry is essential to keeping us Free.

Well regulated means functioning (not with rules etc).

From a grammar perspective the initial clause isn't binding anyway... its simply a justification, it doesn't negate the active part of the 2A, " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It would be just as valid to say

"A well rested population, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

You can argue whether the first part is actually true, but it doesn't negate the 2nd part of the amendment.
winn dixie's Avatar
Shouldn't we be doing everything we can to protect innocent people?
Banning these types of weapons would help tremendously.
No argument can be made against that. Cept boutisms. And yes I know the 2cd amendment word for word. The constitution allows us also to make changes!
No more prayers. Ban these weapons
VitaMan's Avatar
And the violent video games with massive guns going off need to be banned ?
And the violent movies need to be banned ?

And the cause and effect of all these has been clearly shown ?

You have a no win argument here that has been discussed many, many times.
corona's Avatar
Shouldn't we be doing everything we can to protect innocent people?
Banning these types of weapons would help tremendously.
No argument can be made against that. Cept boutisms. And yes I know the 2cd amendment word for word. The constitution allows us also to make changes!
No more prayers. Ban these weapons Originally Posted by winn dixie

legally, police have no duty to protect anyone.

they'll come around, mop up the blood and take the report, but they aren't preventing jack shit. You're responsible to protect yourself.

BTW, still waiting for those crime stats from you on legal full auto firearms used in crimes...
Yes. Being a gun enthusiast I know what I'm talking about. I'm only for Banning all assault weapons and doing away with special permits to own full autos.
Same kickback... well the cops and military blah blah blah.
They're the ones protecting us. And police don't have access to the many weapons military does that actually use the weapons for their intended purpose. Again the military has nukes. Should citizens have nukes. Lol
Try again..... Originally Posted by winn dixie
My God, how can you honestly say you know what you're talking about you're making totally ridiculous statements. The average citizen doesn't aspire to own or possess fully automatic weapons or nukes. Besides AR-15 Rifles are not weapons of war they are just a Semi-Automatic Rifle that just have a nostalgic appearance that resemble the M-16, which is fully automatic. They don't have any magical properties that make any shooter better than average. They are here to stay so give it a rest.
corona's Avatar
Did you know AR-10s are "5 ARs" safer than AR-15s?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Shouldn't we be doing everything we can to protect innocent people? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yes. That’s why I’m almost always armed.
Banning these types of weapons would help tremendously.
Except that it wouldn’t.
No argument can be made against that. Cept boutisms. And yes I know the 2cd amendment word for word. The constitution allows us also to make changes!
This is true. Gather as many other hippies as you can find and try’n pass a constitutional amendment. Good luck.
corona's Avatar
There's an established and well documented process to amend the constitution. Have at it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar

That you, Winn?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I have no problem putting a hole that size ^^above^^ into a coyote

Btw, one of the neighbors has sheep. Starting our 2nd year with cattle he started buying me a box of cartridges every other month.

Anyway, the issue is not guns. The issue is that some folks should not have guns.
Back when the 2nd A was written, that was not an issue.
Yes, the Constitution allows additional amendments.
Good luck with that but it is the only road available.
I still haven't found out the definition of an assault weapon"...
winn dixie's Avatar
Same ol responses that hold zero sand.
There is no reason to own these weapons. I've heard it all. Ban em and shred em.
These weapons are casting bad light to regular guns and their owners.
Ban them
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Start a petition in the civie world.
Good luck