Is there a new standard?

texassapper's Avatar

It turns out that if the MODS are going to start fact checking people, they ought to have their shit squared away.

The woman in that video is Chivona Renée Newsome. She is a community leader, activist, and co-founder of Black Lives Matter Greater New York, running as a Democratic candidate for Congress in New York’s 15th Congressional District (#NY15) in the Bronx. She is a lifelong resident of the Bronx, born and raised.

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you need to be a member of the party to run as a party member.

So in fact, the woman in the video IS a democrat.

And BioMed owes HoHund an apology.
txdot-guy's Avatar

It turns out that if the MODS are going to start fact checking people, they ought to have their shit squared away.

The woman in that video is Chivona Renée Newsome. She is a community leader, activist, and co-founder of Black Lives Matter Greater New York, running as a Democratic candidate for Congress in New York’s 15th Congressional District (#NY15) in the Bronx. She is a lifelong resident of the Bronx, born and raised.

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you need to be a member of the party to run as a party member.

So in fact, the woman in the video IS a democrat.

And BioMed owes HoHund an apology. Originally Posted by texassapper
For what. This is what Biomed1 wrote that’s relevant. You highlighted it yourself.

“No proof or documentation that anyone in the Video clip is a Democrat, nor have you provided any proof that Democrats wish to Riot, Loot or Burn.”

From what I can see the video shows neither political party nor the desire to riot loot or burn.

Again the thread is designed specifically to project outrage and grievance. Not to inform or debate. What about this is hard to understand? It’s Straight up Troll Bait.
texassapper's Avatar
“No proof or documentation that anyone in the Video clip is a Democrat, nor have you provided any proof that Democrats wish to Riot, Loot or Burn.” Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Where is your proof that they are not. If the Mods are fact checking conservatives, they should be fact checking liberals as well. The woman says her name its easy see who she is and 30 seconds on goolge would have provided the evidence that the woman is INDEED a Democrat.

Perhaps you can show me in the guidelines where a post must present evidence of the assertions? Because I have a long list of posts by the folks I keep blocked that lack evidence for their assertions.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There's fact checking here?
And, for Presidential debates?
What qualifies as fact checking? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
You missed the debates?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The standards aren't that high in this forum. They are not that complicated to understand except for the trolls who constantly start mindless threads to push their silly ass anti Dem agenda. And I'd also post the same thing if some goofball was constantly starting mindless threads to push their anti-Republican agenda, but nobody does that in here, so it is a moot point.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Is that a joke? Anti-Trump/republican threads are common.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You missed the debates? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Ignored them
There's always the day after reverse spin when they realize they got caught. After all are these not politicians?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well, here’s a synopsis then. The Republican candidate says something true and mods interrupt to say it wasn’t, even though it was.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, here’s a synopsis then. The Republican candidate says something true and mods interrupt to say it wasn’t, even though it was. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
They’re eating the cats! They’re eating the dogs! They’re eating the pets!

Yeah, that.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
They’re eating the cats! They’re eating the dogs! They’re eating the pets!

Yeah, that.

Hahahahahahahahshs Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
he paid hookers ta pee in a bed in Russia ????
Ripmany's Avatar
So what if id hittler was a good man.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Where is your proof that they are not. If the Mods are fact checking conservatives, they should be fact checking liberals as well. The woman says her name its easy see who she is and 30 seconds on goolge would have provided the evidence that the woman is INDEED a Democrat.

Perhaps you can show me in the guidelines where a post must present evidence of the assertions? Because I have a long list of posts by the folks I keep blocked that lack evidence for their assertions. Originally Posted by texassapper
It’s not up to the moderator to decipher, decode or investigate the facts or evidence of the original post. They must take the necessary moderation based upon the evidence presented. You claim that this is bias on the part of the moderator when in reality it’s the fault of the OP for not creating a thread that fits the purpose of the forum.

In this case the thread didn’t provide evidence of the political affiliation of the speaker. It used inflammatory rhetoric designed to provoke anger and grievance. It was a troll posting from a troll poster.
... Kinda agree with Tx-dot here... I've not seen much - if any -
"political bias" shown by Biomed1, ... And WHY do "trolling threads"
have to be political? ... Maybe Biomed1 was just trying to
issue a warning in-advance.

But, with most things - the Standard IS the Standard.

#### Salty