Democrat John Kirby Says New Jersey Drones Not a Threat. Do Democrats Really Believe This Nonsense?

Jacuzzme's Avatar
The laws governing drones, classifying them as aircraft, need to be updated. The Supreme Court ruled that the homeowner owns the airspace directly above their house, although there seems to be confusion about the actual altitude. If there’s a drone hovering directly above your house, you’ve got no idea what it’s doing there. Shooting it down should be perfectly legal, no different than if someone actually enters the dwelling.
Is this the same John Kirby and White House that told us the Chinese/Biden Weather Balloon wasn't spying. The one wind-driven, but while traveling south made a sharp left turn over Kansas so it could fly by Whitman AFB, home of the stealth bomber's

Hey WD, if New Jersey wasn't a pussy gun state the residents could shoot down those drones with their AR's. Another reason they shouldn't be banned Originally Posted by tman1847
... Yes - Kirby is the same sad bloke. ...

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