Trump refuses to discuss Putin's aggression

pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
I also said, "and others" but you were the only coherent one to answer.

Not move an inch. If peace requires an inch, you'd rather the country you're not living in go up in flames. Yup, sounds familiar. Foreign Legion is hiring, pretty sure their KB Warrior jobs are filled.

Tariffs are a tool and used to negotiate with individual countries.

Everyone seems to forget that Russia has nukes and hyper sonic missiles we can't shoot down.

Not a single reason has ever been mentioned (I could have missed it, enlighten me), why Russia is supposed to be our enemy, except Neocons and the MIC say so.

If the only answer is Russia killed people. So the USA hasn't?

Sanctions didn't work so well and weaponizing the dollar (limiting Russia's dollar access) only created BRICS. Energy, nope, Once we start pumping our own oil, the supply increases and the price drops, which hurts Russia. Drop it too much and it hurts producers here.

So not the weapon it used to be. Which ultimately leads to nowhere besides another stalemate and Russia's still the boogeyman like everyone wants.

Everyone needs a boogeyman to hate. They don't know why, but they can scream at a screen like 1984.

It's okay for Hillary to like Putin and do the whole reset thing in 2009, but not Trump. Got it. Hillary: Let's try trade and diplomacy. Yea, she's such a stateswoman and diplomat. Hillary's awesome!

Trump: Let's stop the killing. Trumps a pussy and Putin's puppet. No reason, just because it's Trump and we're told we have to hate Trump.

HDGristle's Avatar
In all that meandering, you didn't get there.

Try again
Lucas McCain's Avatar
My sons don't speak poorly about me. I'm their daddy and they look up to me. I expect that from them. That's how I raised them... I give Trump a pass for not speaking poorly of his Russian daddy. That's how well Putin has raised him over the years.

Trump is a deer in headlights with Putin. Trump is so narcissistic and dumb that a smart guy like Putin has to spend little effort to make him his bitch. All he has to do is act like he respects Trump, and he'll fall for it hook, line and sinker... basically, just make him think you kissed the ring, but you don't have to actually kiss it.

Zelensky didn't kiss the ring, so that desperate motherfucker wasn't even fed lunch. Hopefully, Trump gave him a to go box before he kicked him out. Haha