NO donation or memory???

Naomi4u's Avatar
In all fairness to her many providers share a drink with their customers. Some people are real slick and could pass off a drink with drugs in it real easy. No need to pile on a girl when she's down. There's many reason why providers get bad names. This is only one example. Originally Posted by simpleton
Just FYI, I have been in the business long enough to know this. I , too, have drank on dates but it didn't go beyond ONE glass of wine WITH a client that I was familiar with. Seriously no one is piling on her. She need to get a fucking clue and stop the stupidity. it could have been worse! He could have killed her for goodness sake. Sorry I do not take things like this lightly. At 22 years old, I know better. You have to be in control of the session at all times. One little mistake and that's your life.
  • Laz
  • 10-03-2011, 06:51 PM
In all fairness to her many providers share a drink with their customers. Some people are real slick and could pass off a drink with drugs in it real easy. No need to pile on a girl when she's down. There's many reason why providers get bad names. This is only one example. Originally Posted by simpleton
From personal experince in dealing with someone that drinks too much we should not assume she was drugged. While that is possible that is not necessarily what happened.

Based on her own statement that she is usually tipsy I am concerned that she is placing herself at great risk. Drunks make bad decisions and she is in an occupation where a bad decision could be damaging legally or in the worst case fatal.

I know I am being blunt and unsympathetic but this is not a case of sharing a drink with a customer and even if she were drugged she needs someone to get her attention to deal with her problem.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Exactly Laz! I'M SOOOOO sick of chicks putting blame on the client. If she NCNS , it's the client's fault, if she's late it's the client's fault, if she passes out, it's the client's fault. Damn you'd think I'd be the last one to say this but fuck these men need a break! Only the ladies that treats this as an actual business but still have fun with it survives. Some women do NOT need to be in this business. That is the reality. If she was drugged, she needs to go to the police.
RickForFun's Avatar
"where do you go from here?" Rehab should be the first stop!!!
or my place...i like drunk chicks.
simpleton's Avatar
or my place...i like drunk chicks. Originally Posted by bubbaJay

That is funny right there.
maye i should have been more clearer on the alcohol... i was not in any way drunk or tipsy and by sayin "early am" i meant 1:30 am on a weekend night and sayin i put providers a bad name is far from the truth bc i have a very good record and my recommendations nare well worth my credibility and status... most bigger guys in the hobby can verify! like im sayin i dont want to star drama nor put any accusations other than facts and advice from people who actually care bout the hobby and dont just use it to get free time with professional ladies
Naomi4u's Avatar
maye i should have been more clearer on the alcohol... i was not in any way drunk or tipsy and by sayin "early am" i meant 1:30 am on a weekend night and sayin i put providers a bad name is far from the truth bc i have a very good record and my recommendations nare well worth my credibility and status... most bigger guys in the hobby can verify! like im sayin i dont want to star drama nor put any accusations other than facts and advice from people who actually care bout the hobby and dont just use it to get free time with professional ladies Originally Posted by TiffanyTexas
You were not drunk or tipsy but yet you passed out and do not remember what took place? Good luck with everything really.
simpleton's Avatar
Just FYI, I have been in the business long enough to know this. I , too, have drank on dates but it didn't go beyond ONE glass of wine WITH a client that I was familiar with. Seriously no one is piling on her. She need to get a fucking clue and stop the stupidity. it could have been worse! He could have killed her for goodness sake. Sorry I do not take things like this lightly. At 22 years old, I know better. You have to be in control of the session at all times. One little mistake and that's your life. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
So your going to be the one that gives her that fucking clue? I have always been amazed about how many people freely express their opinion and are so judgemental. Sure she should have done things differently. I do know some very slick people that could slip something in your drink like ghb and you wouldn't even know.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hate to be "That Bitch" but, how damn stupid can you be for drinking with a client, let alone a new client?

#1 NEVER use alcohol or drugs when you are working, you are risking your LIFE by being off your game

#2 NEVER drink anything a client gives you, I bring my own bottled water to in/out calls. Going out 101 keep an eye on your drink

#3 Go GET TESTED NOW, your lucky there was a rubber in the trash but, that doesn't mean he used 1 the 2nd, 3rd, 5th or 10th time

I have no sympathy for stupidity Originally Posted by Aria_Adams least it wasen't me this time lol~

You got a dose of GHB most likely. Far too easy for them to slip it in when you are not in good shape and leave your drinks out whilst in the bathroom. Truly sorry that happened, but did you at least get his info.? References, cell, email, etc.? Without that, you should not have seen him to begin with, and there is no way to really do anything to him now.

I will say it again..every alert I have ever seen is a result of a mistake WE make. Be it screening, drinking, not thinking, not checking the donation or worse...not getting it at all. It's always a flaw on our end that results in these issues. I like a glass of wine or two, but it's usually AFTER bcd time and in public, unless he is on my turf. I don't take anything that has been opened and I always take my drink with me.

I agree with another poster, that I would see a doctor, but if he used a condom that's good sign.
simpleton's Avatar
You were not drunk or tipsy but yet you passed out and do not remember what took place? Good luck with everything really. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
It's called being drugged. It happened in the 90's a lot with a drug called ghb. Look it up. It was a drug that was sold at gnc then taken off the shelves. It was in every gym in America. And I first heard of it when I lived in Charlotte. From some dudes from Cal. It was a very popular body building drug. All it took was a capful for to knock you out and not remember a thing.
Naomi4u's Avatar
So your going to be the one that gives her that fucking clue? I have always been amazed about how many people freely express their opinion and are so judgemental. Sure she should have done things differently. I do know some very slick people that could slip something in your drink like ghb and you wouldn't even know. Originally Posted by simpleton
Really??? I'm being judgmental on a hooker board? where girls are getting JUDGED everyday for BOTH their looks and actions bcd and you want to talk to me about being judgmental? She passed out NOT even being with someone she knew but with someone she didn't' know/haven't met before. Dude could have been a hooker killer and that would have been the end. Like I said earlier, she could have been killed. Am I going to give her a fucking clue? NO. I don't have time to babysit however I would gladly refer to her to someone that could help her if she wanted. YOU do not know what went on bcd so you can't jump to the conclusion that she was drugged. There is two sides to every story. We have not heard the other side. Period.

Good god. I know what the hell ghb is. I was not born yesterday. I was saying we do not know if she REALLY was drugged. How do you know? How do you know this girl is not lying? I'll tell you something honey if she was drugged then she needs to get off this board and go to the police. It is that simple.Posting here will NOT help the situation.
anaximander's Avatar
Omfg! What a creep. I know I'm married,
but I'd pound the sob on principle.
Besides, I get busted for fighting enough
the wife would figure it was another bar scrap.

Can't be so careless babe.
We aren't all gentlemen.

Just occurred to me.
Was this at a hotel/motel?
Housekeepers got really sticky fingers.
A passed out naked girl with a pile
of bennies on the nightstand or in plain sight.
That is very plausable.

I don't like breaking innocent bones.
Bad karma.
Naomi4u's Avatar
This is also the more reason why some ladies cannot be independent. They NEED to work for an agency so a team of people can be looking out for them while out on dates.
London Rayne's Avatar
It may also not have been the smartest thing to post this in public. Now the entire board of dipsh*t hobbyists who look for these types of girls, will know who to call and try the same thing.

Tiffany, it might be best for you to at least hire an assistant to screen for you and make sure you check in and out with her. That way you could keep most of the money as an indy, and pay her a small fee for every call that goes through.