Do you know what irony means?
Originally Posted by Schwarzer Ritter
He sure does. Brought out all the subtle tones in the initial post. So, *I* have to "assume" subtlety escapes you.
Anything to post on the topic ?
Originally Posted by VitaMan
Your post is uncertain. Clarify it.
Originally Posted by Schwarzer Ritter
It is quite clear. But I have to say i'm surprised that you are the only one that didn't catch the concrete foundation VM got across in his posting.
In the past 160 years, two of the greatest armies ever assembled attempted to invade Russia, and paid dearly.
Originally Posted by Jacky S
Which one? I recall three foreign powers standing on Russian soil and fighting.
You do actually know that he did that. Right? FWIW: Ukraine has been hemorrhaging lives as well.
He amassed a large force on the boarder when Ukraine started getting uppity by hammering the Donbas region and basically taking a whiz on the Minsk agreements, with President Auto-Pen cheering him on and slipping a few hundred billion of your tax dollars in to his grubby paws.
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
And Ukraine had no reason to be uppity? Russia didn't whiz on the Minsk agreement? Both of them?
My point should have been, both were great Armies until they started to starve to death, and then freeze to death.
Originally Posted by Jacky S
Ah. Not all three experienced such. Should have been clear in your first post about such. And included the third in your statement.