Rebuttal to the angry rejects

Lolita22's Avatar
That being said,To the companions, always feel free to text me with screening questions about any guy on the board, always happy to co-sign my delightful regulars who are always have it together, impeccable hygiene, amazing manners and will treat you like a princess, I'll guide you to the clientele you desire, the dream clients are out here and understand that you don't have to just see any or everyone. Be very selective and understand that you can turn down so many men while making a fortune $$$$$ . Sometimes rejects will make you think that turning them down will hurt your money. Let this idea go. It's not true. Im not open to a lot of ethnicities and let's just say, that I don't get slow days. My schedule is always packed.
Lolita22's Avatar
Thank you so much for your support beauty💕💕
Every provider has a right to see whom ever she wants.
And a right to refuse service to whomever.
Here's the thing. A lady may not be comfortable bcd.
This is why we are independents.
If the lady says no move on to someone that will see you and don't cause drama.
You will find yourself on every ladies not to do list. Originally Posted by R.M.
Lol. If you are such a model companion Lola why did you out that member and give personal details about him walking with a cane. That's just the beginning of the conversation as to why no provider should want to be you or be around you and also why clients should run from you. They have to kiss your ass because if they don't, you have no issue outing them.
Lolita22's Avatar
I said what I said, again ladies feel free to reach out about references and I'll happily co-sign my angelic regulars ��
  • pxmcc
  • 03-24-2025, 08:19 AM
i sort of disagree somewhat Foxtrot. i don't think Lola mentioned the guy's cane to out his medical condition but more to point out that he presents a safety issue that she is uncomfortable with. providers can pick and choose who they want to see and who they want to steer clear of. as indies, screening can be the difference between life and death, literally.
Lol. If you are such a model companion Lola why did you out that member and give personal details about him walking with a cane. That's just the beginning of the conversation as to why no provider should want to be you or be around you and also why clients should run from you. They have to kiss your ass because if they don't, you have no issue outing them. Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
Now agree with not giving personal info away to public but thats not what the lady was doing, she was saying he threatens ladies waving a cane as soon as a person uses something in a threatening manner that takes that item from a personal detail to a warning you to watch out for the cane type post as he will use it as a threatening device..There is a big difference

the double standards of guys in threads can post about females features or things they dont want talked about openly but if a companion does it even in a warning type way its looked down upon..this always seemed dumb to me.Now im new to this forum as i mainly post on a different one so might have different rules on this one, these are just my thoughts on the matter.

the thread this spawned from i somehow got into the discussion as i was stating my views and thoughts on my session with the lady and than honestlyw as a little bored after so did some replies to posts that seemed warranted a reply. it seemed like all the guys that were negatively posting about the woman were just those that she turned away and none that actually had see her which really seems unfair to her business specially when she not allowed to post in such thread. There are many Companions available to the gents that all have different things they will and wont do and people they will see and wont see, if one wont see you just move on to a different one that will, its her choice not to get that money just give it to the next girl..the posting in every thread that is about the lady bad things after just cause she wont see you is a big red flag about the guys not teh lady imo that they cant accept No as a answer. Now if they saw her and it was a bad session that would be something i would post about for sure..but that does not seem to be the case here as none of them actually saw her and from what i could see when i did my research on her when i was going to first see her she has like 0 bad reviews and every one that has seen her speaks very highly of her sessions.

but yeah this thread was a well thought out post from the woman and was not insulting these guys and was just stating facts on why she did not see them..which is a shame that they would post so much she would even have to do such a thing. These ladies offering a service/business that is different than say walmart..they have the right to offer this service to whom they want and deny service to anyone they want it is solely their choice, as its the gents choice to just move on and give his money to the next girl that will. I have had ladies say no to a meet up with me does anyone know who they are or reasons why they said no..nope cause i didnt post about them i just moved on to the next girl that struck my fancy, and sense i didnt post the lady didnt feel the need to post about it either.

I dont know this all just kinda seems dumb people need to accept the word no and just move on. doesnt matter why you were told it..there are many that will tell you yes go see them and post great things about that lady IMO
Lolita22's Avatar
I brought up the cane thing because he uses it as a form of intimidation ; attempting to hit others with
i sort of disagree somewhat Foxtrot. i don't think Lola mentioned the guy's cane to out his medical condition but more to point out that he presents a safety issue that she is uncomfortable with. providers can pick and choose who they want to see and who they want to steer clear of. as indies, screening can be the difference between life and death, literally. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Sextion's Avatar
I’m dying at the “thuggish” part 🤣
winn dixie's Avatar
Guys you see who you want to see. The gals do to. Difference is they have to post their preferences! That ain't racism.
Defending a swastika just cause you want to disagree with a person and most here that say it's a symbol of hate is asinine!

Lolita, you see who you want. Keep those receipts. Most knew about Dorian anyway. Trying to see a provider that clearly states preferences and complains is entitlement. But the clique will defend their folk no matter what.
Lots of back stabbers in this thread.
Be careful and good luck
Lolita22's Avatar
I'm dying at you not accepting no and moving on
I'm dying at you not reading my ad before reaching out as ad clearly says older gents only, no thugs/cholos, no bareback
Now the the other companions will be "dying" too after I show them what an incel you are when I post the review in the companion section. We don't take harassing due to rejection lightly like AT ALL
I’m dying at the “thuggish” part 🤣 Originally Posted by Sextion
Lolita22's Avatar
Thank you beloved for seeing through the BS💞
Guys you see who you want to see. The gals do to. Difference is they have to post their preferences! That ain't racism.
Defending a swastika just cause you want to disagree with a person and most here that say it's a symbol of hate is asinine!

Lolita, you see who you want. Keep those receipts. Most knew about Dorian anyway. Trying to see a provider that clearly states preferences and complains is entitlement. But the clique will defend their folk no matter what.
Lots of back stabbers in this thread.
Be careful and good luck Originally Posted by winn dixie
winn dixie's Avatar
Thank you beloved for seeing through the BS💞 Originally Posted by Lolita22
Your welcome.
Houston forum is alot like the mos Eisley spaceport on tatooine.

Obi-Wan Kenobi famously described Mos Eisley spaceport as a "wretched hive of scum and villainy" in Star Wars: A New Hope, cautioning Luke to be wary of the dangerous spaceport.
Lolita22's Avatar
Your welcome.
Houston forum is alot like the mos Eisley spaceport on tatooine.

Obi-Wan Kenobi famously described Mos Eisley spaceport as a "wretched hive of scum and villainy" in Star Wars: A New Hope, cautioning Luke to be wary of the dangerous spaceport. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Lolita22's Avatar
Now agree with not giving personal info away to public but thats not what the lady was doing, she was saying he threatens ladies waving a cane as soon as a person uses something in a threatening manner that takes that item from a personal detail to a warning you to watch out for the cane type post as he will use it as a threatening device..There is a big difference

the double standards of guys in threads can post about females features or things they dont want talked about openly but if a companion does it even in a warning type way its looked down upon..this always seemed dumb to me.Now im new to this forum as i mainly post on a different one so might have different rules on this one, these are just my thoughts on the matter.

the thread this spawned from i somehow got into the discussion as i was stating my views and thoughts on my session with the lady and than honestlyw as a little bored after so did some replies to posts that seemed warranted a reply. it seemed like all the guys that were negatively posting about the woman were just those that she turned away and none that actually had see her which really seems unfair to her business specially when she not allowed to post in such thread. There are many Companions available to the gents that all have different things they will and wont do and people they will see and wont see, if one wont see you just move on to a different one that will, its her choice not to get that money just give it to the next girl..the posting in every thread that is about the lady bad things after just cause she wont see you is a big red flag about the guys not teh lady imo that they cant accept No as a answer. Now if they saw her and it was a bad session that would be something i would post about for sure..but that does not seem to be the case here as none of them actually saw her and from what i could see when i did my research on her when i was going to first see her she has like 0 bad reviews and every one that has seen her speaks very highly of her sessions.

but yeah this thread was a well thought out post from the woman and was not insulting these guys and was just stating facts on why she did not see them..which is a shame that they would post so much she would even have to do such a thing. These ladies offering a service/business that is different than say walmart..they have the right to offer this service to whom they want and deny service to anyone they want it is solely their choice, as its the gents choice to just move on and give his money to the next girl that will. I have had ladies say no to a meet up with me does anyone know who they are or reasons why they said no..nope cause i didnt post about them i just moved on to the next girl that struck my fancy, and sense i didnt post the lady didnt feel the need to post about it either.

I dont know this all just kinda seems dumb people need to accept the word no and just move on. doesnt matter why you were told it..there are many that will tell you yes go see them and post great things about that lady IMO Originally Posted by belgarath83
Sextion's Avatar
Do what you must. I don’t really care��♂️ I’ve had good sessions with my regular providers and if anything changes, I’ll be fine ��♂️. Very funny calling your overt racism “preferences” there’s plenty of proof on various other sites where you’ve gone mask off, and calling me a “cholo” because I’m Hispanic is proof in the pudding itself. Doesn’t matter though. You do you. I’ll do me. Don’t expect any other replies from me I have to get back to work and although humorous in many ways. My input will no longer be needed. Nor will I provide it. Thanks ��