Face photo or Not

Guest042413's Avatar
As a hobbyists its not the end of the world to see face blurred or cropped to show just bottom part, I think most of us understand. LE is slow, but eventually even they get handed resources. Unfortunately, more than ever pics are being stored and cataloged, so if you ever one day dream of having your privacy back then the time to start is now. I know some may think its an over reaction, but one day you may appreciate having taken the time to cover a few distinguishing tats and such. It's not even about family and community, its giving up not your privacy now- but for always. I think most understand the changing world, anyone notice a drop in biz from blurring face? I'd bet not. Originally Posted by boobooroo

Yes but when you cover tats in pics they then say its not you so it still jacked up either way you look at it... Me personally I just started today cropping all my pics because I have been doing my research although le already know what I look like I dont want that one unwanted person to see me one day
I think the cropping is a great idea, good photographers can create some really enticing photos and still give an accurate, and yet flattering, picture. I'm not one of those photographers and I know you have to be cautious there as well, but they can help. Yeah, shame about false accusations with regard to it being you or not,also a shame that some scammers steal great provider's real photos. It's also a shame LE uses tats like fingerprints. It's all such a mind field, but I think caution may one day have a pay off.
Sure, I would like to see face pics but I also completely understand why providers can't. As previously stated once it's out there, it's out there forever. Don't blame anyone one bit for blurring or cropping out faces and distinguishing marks or tattoos.
I don't show my face in my pictures but I will send a gentleman a face picture after I get them verified. That way they aren't obligated to see me but can do so if they wish and I feel reasonably protected circumstances notwithstanding.
Deciding to show/hide one's face is really a matter of determining what future opportunities will be limited/abundant, depending on which avenue is chosen presently. One must keep in mind that there are retarded people in the world (and I don't mean just strangers) that are willing to blackball others when the situation suits them.

Disregarding social issues such as family/community outings, fatal issues such as possible assaults/murder, and legal issues such as "recognition"/target/possible incarceration.... showing one's face introduces another problem altogether: career access.

I am not speaking of Burger King or cart-pushing at Walmart, but of careers in politics, the medical field, or just about anything in the justice system. One's so-called "character" will be under complete scrutiny. If the "character" is deemed suspect, chances of getting in are very slim at best (unless of course you have the "right" connections).

Someone else stated the term "denial." If one day you decide to settle down with one individual, imagine that person cruising the internet and stumbling across your face. I am not sure how likely that is but sure enough possible. Could cause potential relationship problems. The fact is, we're human, we all have secrets (some worse than others) and people do not always appreciate the "truth." I am not saying that lying in a relationship is constructive for it, but that sometimes we need to leave the past "in the past."

Anyways, as for showing face pics, it shows interested clientele whether or not your a head-turner. I personally feel the cons outweigh the pros here, but it's ultimately up to the lady advertising what she chooses to do.
But remember what is seen cannot be unseen.
Do you think blurring looks better with that fuzzy and faint look or completlely blocking it out? A photographer approached me and said the unfocused, faint fuzzy look is better... was wondering what the ladies think?
Sugardaddy's Avatar
Do you think blurring looks better with that fuzzy and faint look or completlely blocking it out? A photographer approached me and said the unfocused, faint fuzzy look is better... was wondering what the ladies think? Originally Posted by Anita Lay
I think a mask or sunglasses or something like that would look better, or maybe just hold a watermelon up infront of your face.

what kind of mask? maudi gras or phatom of the opera?
good idea daddy
Sugardaddy's Avatar
what kind of mask? maudi gras or phatom of the opera?
good idea daddy Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Take one picture with one and another picture with a different mask.
cat woman too.
Now is a good time to stock up on masks.
A woman can never have too many mask.
damn good idea DADDY... you going to take me shopping for those mask?
I might climb through your window and keep you warm.
Your thermomentor is needed , might be getting sick....
jaydalee's Avatar
When I first started out on the internet I posted pics of my face blurred and sometimes cropped.Most of the pics I post now are cropped from the nose or lips down I will never ever show a full face picture in my ads or website.Stolen pics is something happens quite often I would hate to have my pics stolen and posted in another city where I happen to have relatives.My family does not know what I do and I prefer for it to stay that way.

Once those pictures are on the internet it is very hard to remove them later if even at all possible.At some point in my life my profession will change and I would not want some old provider ads or website to pop up.I would also never send a face picture to a gent after screening.I have been asked this only a couple of times every time the answer was No.Who is to say what he will do with the picture after you send it to him?It is out of your control there are some people out here with not good intentions and I personally am not going to give them anything they can use against me later.

Also another reply stated about hotels.With the software the hotels have now and visiting provider ads being passed around hotel management to keep their eyes out is too much.I am Outcall Only but if I chose to do Incall I would not want to be at risk.I was on another site the other day and a guy posts about how he saw this provider out shopping and where she was at.I mean c'mon ok you recognize the provider keep it to yourself why post it on a public internet board.On some occasions people are not discreet and will approach a provider in public because he noticed her pics online.
I have had many gents tell me not to show my face that it could come back to haunt me later and you just never know.

My motto is if it ain't broke don't fix it my pics work for me with what I have posted but for the ladies that do post pics it is their choice.My hat goes off to these ladies because it is a difficult decision to make.
Just my .02
Agree with Jaydalee on the provider out shopping.Thought that was a little bit rude of him to blast her like that.

I started out with no face pictures.I show my face now obviously and its comfortable for me Some ladies show there face while others dont.
mirandacutey's Avatar
I gave up on cropping if they see me they see me. If asked I can say I tried it out didn't work lol.