More Government Or Less Government?

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The Constitution addresses this. The first three Articles of the US Constitution dictate the scope of the three branches. The government that we have now in no way even comes CLOSE to resembling the mandated design. For example Congress is only allowed to spend money on 18 different things, called enumerated powers. We spend money on tens of thousands of federal programs, none of which are actually permitted under the Constitution if you take it literally. If something is such a great idea, then write an amendment, if 2/3 of the Congress agrees along with 3/4 of the States...then it's the undisputed law of the land. The 50%+1 method of government just ensures the leeches keep draining the productive. We are not in a democracy, we are in a representative republic...actually a union of 50 representative republics -- as each State is the equivalent of a nation.

If the people want "free" health care...they can do what Romneycare did...but don't ask the people of Texas to pay for it.

Pare down the Federal government to the Constitutionally prescribed levels...let the STATES decide which programs their people want...and let that state fund it appropriately through taxation on their citizens. Social Security, can be run by individual states, offered or not offered and at varying levels. If one state is overly generous...then they may find people migrating from other states...and they may have to adjust accordingly. Other states may offer fewer handouts, and fewer taxes and companies might open new business's competition between the States...and the citizens of that State decide what that is to be. The only that the States must have a republican form of government. (as in set up like a Republic, not a dictatorship, etc.) Originally Posted by TexanAtPlay
You realize this is a hooker board, right? Posting an answer that is well thought out and germane to the actual debate can result in a discussion that might enlighten or bring some new ideas to the debate.

Good post.
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I would also strenghten laws that allow citizens to sue corporations and business for fraud, ripoffs, and other such things; take the power to regulate away from the bureacrats in Washington and return it to the individual citizens (the current system just reeks of special treatment).....Corporations don't fear Washington regulators; but they DO fear a son-of-a-bitch lawyer with a good case. No caps, little controls on litigation.

Where is the bigger government crowd? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Add to the existing laws, remove all regulations, remove all caps for penalties (that businesses pass on to consumers) and turn the lawyers loose.

That will stimulate the economy....if you are an attorney. No jobs but what the hey?

My daughter gets her Bar exam results next month.

Whirlaway for President!
Less Goverment What an Idea!! Lets see, first sell off the post office to a real business. Maybe they will not lose $9 Billion a year. Second get rid of the DEA , they lost the war on drugs a long time ago. We could save that money. Third close the dept of Energy , they were brought in during peanut man , there job , and get this ,stop our dependence of foriegn oil , they too have failed , maybe the DEA and the dept of energy people would finally feel the working mans pain when we lose our jobs. Wait I am not done yet, Congress and the Senate should have the same retirement plan we have , plus the same Health care we have . Now for my final word . Somehow we need a easier way of firing those guys. Hell when was the last time you voted for the guy you want , rather than the lesser of 2 evils
Sounds like 88% of the people who voted in this poll should be voting for Ron Paul.
And the 4% voting "More" will likely vote Democrat.

Sounds like 88% of the people who voted in this poll should be voting for Ron Paul. Originally Posted by Texaspride74
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  • 10-19-2011, 06:56 AM
Alot of discussion on the size/role of the Federal do you vote on this issue? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Everybody wants less government, until it comes time to actually say wtf they want cut out of their lives.

Do you want to dispose of your own trash? Do you want to defend yourself? Do you want to cut military spending? Do you want to cut SS and Medicare payments?

See how people that actually are willing to do that , do in the polls.

See how Ron Paul is doing in the GOP. The GOP, the party that says they are for less government will not elect the one person that is actually walking the walk.

So this poll is like asking who believes in the Tooth Fairy.

Realpolitik folks, realpolitik.

Join the real world and figure out that our problem is not a spending problem, it is a "I do not wanna pay for the shit I like problem!"
Instead of attacking what I have posted; why don't you just tell us WTF you think are the best policies.........and you are lying or being purposely ignorant to post that "everybody" wants less government....and wanting less government isn't the same as not wanting any some mature of reason and thought in your responses.

Explain how Obama's policies (proposed and otherwise) leads America to less govenrment? Do you think Obama wants less govenment?
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  • 10-19-2011, 07:28 AM
Instead of attacking what I have posted; why don't you just tell us WTF you think are the best policies.........and you are lying or being purposely ignorant to post that "everybody" wants less government....and wanting less government isn't the same as not wanting any some mature of reason and thought in your responses.

Explain how Obama's policies (proposed and otherwise) leads America to less govenrment? Do you think Obama wants less govenment? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
TTH summed it up pretty darn well....but you right wing fanatics will take issue with what both he and I think, I'm sure.

Neither. More intelligent government. Lower Pentagon budget, no agricultural subsidies, shore up Social Security, Mrdicare, and Medicaid. Get the government out of the bedroom and women's reproductive choices. limited regulation of the economy only where it's necessary -- the financial system, product and worker safety, the environment, etc. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Whirlaway , the fact of the matter is you can not handle the truth. What is wrong with this country is that we say we want one thing(less government) and then we act like we want another. (Don't cut Military, SS&MC).

Those three things are the bulk of government spending. Yet nobody can seem to come to a consensus on how to cut those things. You do realize that we live in a country where we still have to come to a consensus don't you?

So while your poll maybe entertaining, it is just a lesson in futility.

All you do is in fact blame one side. That is ignorant from the actual facts. In fact both parties bloat government when elected. Reagan did, Bush did, Clinton did, Bush did. Maybe the real question is, Is our political system broke? If the answer is yes, then why are we trying to spread that broke ass system all over the world? So the top one % of the top one % can get that much richer?
If you are so fucking smart; prove your statement that everybody wants less can't....

again you either lie about these things; or you are just an ingnorant fuck !

Everybody wants less government, " Originally Posted by WTF
Instead of attacking what I have posted; why don't you just tell us WTF you think are the best policies.........and you are lying or being purposely ignorant to post that "everybody" wants less government....and wanting less government isn't the same as not wanting any some mature of reason and thought in your responses.

Explain how Obama's policies (proposed and otherwise) leads America to less govenrment? Do you think Obama wants less govenment? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think anybody that misspells "government" in two successive sentences, and misspells them differently each time, needs more "government" in their life.....
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  • 10-19-2011, 09:46 AM
If you are so fucking smart; prove your statement that everybody wants less can't....

again you either lie about these things; or you are just an ingnorant fuck ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
no I can not prove everybody wants less government. The jist of my post was that people want something for nothing. They want lower taxes but nobody wants to touch the three biggest expenses. They want to touch maybe one but not all three.

Now if you are so smart prove that the republican party wants smaller government. Show me a budget where they have been in charge and they actually presented a cut in overall spending
I agree that some people want free shit; it just so happens that most of those people vote Democrat.
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  • 10-19-2011, 12:27 PM
I agree that some people want free shit; it just so happens that most of those people vote Democrat. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That is a bald face lie.

People on Medicare basically want free shit. They want to keep a system in place where they get out more than they put in and have the youth of this country pay for it.

What is that if not free shit?

That is basically the Tea Party folks stance.

That same group that you claim wants nothing free!
What is a lie?

That is a bald face lie.

People on Medicare basically want free shit. They want to keep a system in place where they get out more than they put in and have the youth of this country pay for it.

What is that if not free shit?

That is basically the Tea Party folks stance.

That same group that you claim wants nothing free! Originally Posted by WTF
Everybody wants less government, until it comes time to actually say wtf they want cut out of their lives.
Do you want to dispose of your own trash? Do you want to defend yourself? Do you want to cut military spending? Do you want to cut SS and Medicare payments?
See how people that actually are willing to do that , do in the polls.
See how Ron Paul is doing in the GOP. The GOP, the party that says they are for less government will not elect the one person that is actually walking the walk.
So this poll is like asking who believes in the Tooth Fairy.
Realpolitik folks, realpolitik.
Join the real world and figure out that our problem is not a spending problem, it is a "I do not wanna pay for the shit I like problem!" Originally Posted by WTF

Yes, I want less government and I want everything cut that doesn’t fall in line with the vision of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. The Federal Government has a very short list of things they are supposed to be doing and most the time they don’t even get that stuff right (enforcing immigration laws, National Defense, ect.) Trash pick-up/removal should have nothing to do with the Federal Government. That is a State issue that is actually up to the County you live in. Yes, we absolutely need to cut Military Spending. We need to bring the troops home (300+ bases in 130+ Countries. The founding Fathers didn’t even want a standing army, much less to have us NationBuilding and Policing the world. They knew that this has led to the downfall of every empire in history. SS and Medicare are a scam and they will never be around for me. These were not something this Country was built on either. We need to cut all the entitlement programs over time. Yes, you can’t just do that in one day because to many people have become dependent on Big Government, but it can be cut as part of a process. What people fail to realize is that all this stuff is going to be cut, one way or another. We are broke and in a few short years, there will be no money for any off that and their will be a collapse, if things aren’t changed and changed fast.

The only reason Ron Paul doesn’t have a double digit lead over all the GOP candidates is because of the Main Stream Media. All of the alphabet channels who receive money from the Government and the Banking Elite really pulling the strings. There is a concerted effort to ignore Ron Paul and when they absolutely have to talk about him, to remind everyone that “he can’t win”. This is an absolute lie and the second more of the sheeple she through it, he will go from second or third (depending on the poll) to the top spot. This isn’t 2008. There are a lot more people paying attention now and there are a lot of people who saw everything Ron Paul predicted come true. He has been the same for 30 damn years and has never wavered on any of his position. He is the realist Presidential Candidate in my life time and would be the first President who actually worked for the people since JFK. Ron Paul 2012