Las Vegas Republican Debate 10-18-2011

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Huntsman took the night off. I thought I heard Ron Paul say in an interview that he was "near 80" but I might have missed the nuance.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Huntsman passed up the debate because the scheduling of the Nevada primary/caucuses (it's still a dual process this year, as I recall) is in violation of the RNC's rules on scheduling. Instead he held a town hall meeting in N.H. He's not going anywhere in the debates and this was a way to show solidarity with N.H. voters who are very jealous of their perceived prerogative of having the "first in the nation" primary. Not a bad strategy, however.

But the bottom line is that he has no shot since he's reasonable. Frankly, he'd be a very good candidate in the general election and would cause lot's of pissed off Obama supporters to stay home or certainly work less hard.
I get a kick outta reading the observations on the candidates performances and the handicapping by the Obama zombies.........especially those who have high esteem for the most unlikely-to-succeed candidates.

Gingrich made the most sense, was the most articulate in his talking points, and is the true conservative of the bunch.......Ron Paul, glad he is part of the process, would be a disaster for this country if he was elected....Perry is an incompetant buffoon.

The best and most realistic path to a Constitutional federal government is thru incrementalism with Presidents like Romney being pushed to the right by a a Conservative is all about change on the local level.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I get a kick outta reading the observations on the candidates performances and the handicapping by the Obama zombies.........especially those who have high esteem for the most unlikely-to-succeed candidates.

Gingrich made the most sense, was the most articulate in his talking points, and is the true conservative of the bunch.......Ron Paul, glad he is part of the process, would be a disaster for this country if he was elected....Perry is an incompetant buffoon.

The best and most realistic path to a Constitutional federal government is thru incrementalism with Presidents like Romney being pushed to the right by a a Conservative is all about change on the local level. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW so I take it now that you support Romney who is by far the biggest Flip Flopper of the bunch and to me one of the slickest liars of the bunch. I honestly don't think the GOP wants or even likes Romney- the Tea Party faction surely doesn't want him and that's why you see Romney changing his positions and deleting words out of his own book :
It's a Sophie's Choice among these idiiots........
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How do you decide between arsenic and hemlock? Between a firing squad or hanging? Between Miller Lite or Buckhorn? I'd rather not choose.

Do they still brew Buckhorn anywhere? Godawful beer!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Huntsman had his best night.
waverunner234's Avatar
Yeah, Obama won together with Huntsman. No Huntsman didn't drop out, he's preparing in New Hampshire.
I would love to see a little Italian or Korean style debate, like Perry jumping on Romney and pushing the micro down his throat.
Bachwoman is just waiting for a huge disappointment in Idaho and then she'll quit and cry that no-one gave her a chance, she doesn't know yet that she has to create her own chance.
Cain finally has to explain much better if his plan would work, he's had his 15 minutes in the foot light, now the media will break him off and soon he'll be back in the single numbers. Of course his plan is not going to work in a country were 47% pays no Federal Tax. Plan = good for the rich and wealthy.
Paul is too old and never had a chance.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Romney's numbers stay the same.

Cain's go down.

Newt's go up.

The Flavor of the week is now Moo-llennium Crunch

And for the next 2 weeks were going to hear about Newts dirty laundry ie his ex wife..he stole christmas..blah blah blah.

I can see a big oppurtunity for Newt if he can keep it together through the next debates. Especially if folding metal chairs will be allowed.

Rick Perry and Joe Biden are still Bozos.

And Ya'll thought this was going to be a boring election?

As Joe would say..Give me and break!
  • Laz
  • 10-19-2011, 09:38 PM
I would love to see Newt debate Obama.
waverunner234's Avatar
I would love to see Newt debate Obama. Originally Posted by Laz
  • MrGiz
  • 10-20-2011, 02:20 AM
+666 , turned upside, down