I myself, have come under the ridicule for posting a general topic thread. I am a visiting lady from Dallas and do post within the guide lines. I do see where the ladies in Kc can come off harsh at times when anyone outside of the locals post. It is not against the rules for anyone to post a thread or visiting ad. I am not clear as to what a threAD is. I know I follow the same guide lines I have for almost 2 years. I am always polite and direct with my postings. I have seen where some take it to the extreme with hijacking threads for advertizement purposes. I ask that the local ladies of Kc not judge all of us off the postings of a few. I would love to meet a few more local ladies from Kc other than the amazing AutumnKc. I would enjoy having a ladies night out when I come to visit on my return trip.
This should not be about the domination of territory. It should be about the bonding of ladies who share similar lifestyles. After all the ladies of the hobby world rely on one another. In more than one way, a reference, to keep us safe. If anyone wants to come to Dallas I will be more than happy to welcome you with info and meet for a drink. I am not sure why the same standard is not expressed to ladies visiting in Kc.
It's the pandering that creates the "Seriously?" feeling.
Guy makes a comment only vaguely related to sex.
Hooker says "OMG thats my favorite thing to stick n my ass while you rest your beer on my head"
Original topic is gone, now it's just people asking what else is she willing to stick in her ass while you balance shit on her head.
Kitten... you know how hard it is to concentrate on what you had written when a picture of your booty is just below the text? How distracting!
For the record, a threAD is a thread or posting which is started to draw attention to the person posting in order highlight their existence on the site, services they provide, activities they are open to, and/or their availability all under the guise of a sexual undertone.
I know that you have come under attack by a certain former moderator who basically went on the warpath with respect to almost anything you posted that wasn't posted in the Provider Ads or Weekend Ads areas. Those times are gone!! Visitor or local, no one is going to bust you for being flirtatious, sexual or shouting out "hey! I have no gag reflex and enjoy butt-sex!" Ok... well... they might. But, it'll just be words. Some people don't like it and that's their prerogative. However, if they hit the report button (and believe me, they have) nothing will be done about it by me or any other moderator on this site. Unless they're new and simply don't know any better.
That my 8" throbbing hard member keeps bumping my lotion softened knees making me ache for some loving gentle touching. I am open to most things except anyone trying to touch my butt in any way but other than that we can discuss it. I am usually not too busy during most afternoons and can often sneak away if asked.
So other than that who won last nite's debate?
Kitten... you know how hard it is to concentrate on what you had written when a picture of your booty is just below the text? How distracting!
I am sorry my booty causes issues for you .
For the record, a threAD is a thread or posting which is started to draw attention to the person posting in order highlight their existence on the site, services they provide, activities they are open to, and/or their availability all under the guise of a sexual undertone.
Is that not the purpose of any post? To draw attention to what is being said. This is an escort boards , we all flirt and have a sexual undertone. This is just me being myself. Anyone who knows me understands my teasing side. This should be a place to escape the reality of life. A safe place to explore and be open with our sexuality.
It should not matter what state you reside in. I have posted to threads in states I will never visit. Just because I thought the topic is of value I will post to it. As far as the issues I had , they are in the past. It was the actions of one person not the community. There is ignorance in every section of life. You learn to be the bigger person and walk away from them. I really do enjoy visiting Kc. I am attracted to the architecture of the buildings and unique atmosphere.
I do notice a differnce in the social network in Kansas City compared to Dallas. Here were not all of us ladies get along we at least give references. In Kansas City very few ladies do, at least this has been my experience. Anyway, this is my humble opinion on the subject at hand.

I myself, have come under the ridicule for posting a general topic thread. I am a visiting lady from Dallas and do post within the guide lines. I do see where the ladies in Kc can come off harsh at times when anyone outside of the locals post. It is not against the rules for anyone to post a thread or visiting ad. I am not clear as to what a threAD is. I know I follow the same guide lines I have for almost 2 years. I am always polite and direct with my postings. I have seen where some take it to the extreme with hijacking threads for advertizement purposes. I ask that the local ladies of Kc not judge all of us off the postings of a few. I would love to meet a few more local ladies from Kc other than the amazing AutumnKc. I would enjoy having a ladies night out when I come to visit on my return trip.
This should not be about the domination of territory. It should be about the bonding of ladies who share similar lifestyles. After all the ladies of the hobby world rely on one another. In more than one way, a reference, to keep us safe. If anyone wants to come to Dallas I will be more than happy to welcome you with info and meet for a drink. I am not sure why the same standard is not expressed to ladies visiting in Kc.
Originally Posted by Kitten
In a word.....competition....Kitten keep on posting, I for one love that butt & your posts!
And Kitten I love to see your post, your booty, and my well...well smaller than catnipper's member (damn you) will see you soon my dear!!
WE luv ya!!
Kitten i love you momma ! I could not agree more with EVERYTHING you said . This is a place to help keep us safe and for us to enjoy the company of like minded folks. I hate that its not a little more open in this area as it is were we are from but hey thats what makes the world go round things being different !
Sillygirl is right, sometimes the intent of OP or the OQ is lost when things such as that which she illustrates occur.
Blatant threADs will grow old with many in due time, just as they have in other city specific forums.
Kitten, no one is piling on the visiting ladies. Just as I mentioned to Kaboom that it would difficult to see where Staci is coming from, it is impossible for you to appreciate also the circumstances in the past here in this specific city forum regarding feelings other ladies may have about threADs. And, I certainly didn't write anything pointed towards any specific lady or to discourage any "banter".
THIS ENTIRE ISSUE is solely due to the extreme heavy handed moderation of this specific forum (and in many instances, the St, Louis forum) in the very recent past - and heavy handed may be an understatement. Unless you were caught up in it or pointed, etc. - it would be very difficult to appreciate it . .
New (different) interpretations of board policy may make it seem (to Escorts and providers with a long history here in KC) as though visiting ladies (or newer ladies) are getting a pass where in the past they would have gotten their hands slapped (HARD).
I don't believe anyone has a negative attitude towards ladies who tour our area, I tour throughout the Midwest and I am welcome in every forum I post in . . . if any lady feels as though the welcome mat hasn't been extended, I don't feel, IMO, that is intentional - it is simply a side effect of the rules of the game changing and the playing field be more level and a difference in the way the visiting ladies have been treated in other areas of ECCIE in their past postings (not having the same experiences as many of us here have had).
I'm certain in a short time things will settle and there won't be such animosity (which IMHO is more perceived than real) between ladies over threADs.
In the mean time, with the excellent explanations offered in this thread, I would hope that the fine ladies visiting our area might extend a little benefit of understanding as some ladies here grapple with what is, a considerable change in board policy which has had the consequence of giving the appearance that ladies are "getting away" with something (threADs) that until very recently was a serious board infraction (at least in KC).
As for your issue with references, etc., Kitten, that may be a good topic for another thread, as it may become lost in this one.
In the meanwhile, the board does have a lighter feel, keep on posting ladies! The guys seem to be entertained!
- Jackie
Catnip, your 8 inch throbbing member? You mean you haven't had that goiter removed yet? Get on it, pal! You'll look and feel much better. Well, you'll feel better anyway.
- KCboy
- 10-19-2011, 01:49 PM
Folks i am very much of the opinion that the topics brought up or discussed are meaningful, a lot of fun, pose no harm to anyone! Kitten and Kaci feel free to keep us informed and entertained! If threAD or not I can make my own judgement on those and it's not going to influence who I see! It's the reviews and people behind those reviews that I hope to make intelligent decisions!!
It is enjoyable to have more ladies posting in KC.
I for one like hearing not only from the local ladies and gents but those from outside our little corner of the world,
Kitten you have one very nice booty, I kept having to clean up the drool, dribbling out of my mouth. Hopefully when you can get back this way I will get to meet you.
I agree with Red. I too like the posts, it help me get a feel for a ladies attitude (and the muscle between her ears) and it lightens things up around here.
If it is a threAD that I don't have any interest in, I stop reading it after 15 seconds and never open it again. No harm no foul.
I for one am always glad to see ladies posting in the KC forum, be they traveling, local or newbies. In my opinion, we could use more input from providers around here. I don't mind threADs. They don't personally affect nor offend me.
AND I am always reference friendly.