Was Jesus a Republican? Capitalist? Englist speaking American?

Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian? And HE seems to not have a problem cozying up to lobbyists......odd that you left HIM off your little list. Originally Posted by rjdiner

So Obama may not be a Christian? Is that your implication?
And the Reverend Martin Luther King is a member of a soul group?

WOW SH remember to take that white hood off when you're driving please.[/quote]

The "implication" that Palin uses Christianity as some sort of political device to further her appeal or enlarge her base is what I was referring to. As I pointed out, Obama also claims to be a Christian, yet has no problems being very very very cozy with lobbyists, anbd has also reached out to the Christian community. Duh.

I also was pointing out the outright disrespectfulness of calling Jesus one of the Bee Gees by making an equally absurd statement about Dr. King being part of a musical group.

Oh, and my hood is off babe! It's in the laundry!!! H
Oh yes, as to the questions posed in the heading of your thread:

I doubt that Jesus was a Republican, since at that time political parties weren't invented...

English speaking? Uh, no.....he spoke Hebrew. Which I guess makes sense since he was Jewish.

An American? Uh, nooooooo, he lived in the Middle East in what is now known as Israel. Far far away from what we call America, sweety.

Capitalist? Don't know. But doubtful he was was a Communist, since one of the tenets of Communism is a non-belief in God. And since Jesus is the son of God, that probably wasn't the case...Socialist? Hmmmm..well, Jesus certainly preached that the poor and needy and less fortunate should be taken care of, but I don't remember reading his sermons on taking what belongs to others by force and then giving it to others. I'm pretty sure the "giving" part was meant to be voluntary...H
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Thread closed.

Management has given the Houston mods the choice of allowing political threads in the Houston forums. To this point we have decided to allow such threads; however, this thread has pushed the boundaries of what we are willing to accept. [SH--I am impressed at the restraint you've demonstrated at the "white hood" remark.] This may be the sandbox, but the mods have no desire to keep cleaning out the cat droppings. For the time being please feel free to discuss political topics on other threads in this forum, but keep it free of personal slurs, racial innuendos and the like.
