I was being sarcastic. You will never get a good return for your investment when you give it to the Government. If Warren Buffet wants to give more money to the Government I say go ahead. Both parties suck at balancing a budget. We need term limits for congress. I am voting No Bama. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30Would you still vote for the Republican candidate even if you knew for a fact your taxes would go up? Let's pretend that it's not even debatable and you know you'll see an increase in your taxes. What do you do?
Giving our government more money is bad business. Booth... I will vote for the lesser of the two evils.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30I understand your sentiment but it doesn't really answer the question. Let's say the nominee is either Perry or Cain. They both propose a flat tax and by doing the math you are certain that your taxes will see an increase. Are they still the lesser of two evils in your eyes?
The dream would be a one page form to do your taxes. I like any candidate that is for getting rid of the IRS. I have been audited for 2007 and 2008. The IRS are fucking assholes. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30I got audited for three years once and ending up with money due me and getting a check. They then dropped the threat for an audit of a fourth year. Fucking ridiculous.