let's be fair- you obviously know that Obama knows there 50 states and not 57- clearly it was a gaffe- just last week Bachmann said :"the nation of Nebraska" and not the "State of Nebraska" she clearly knows that Nebraska is a State.
However, a gaffe and not knowing what the fuck you are talking about is two different things. Cain CLEARLY had no idea what the "Right to Return" was- which to me if you are running for President you have to know some Middle East history. When Cain was asked questions about name one regulation he would change- he couldn't name one- that's irresponsible and not being prepared,
For example, if I said :"some of the amendments in the constitution needs to be changed and then I was asked which ones- and I reply: "I can't tell you which ones but some of them need to be changed" would I not lose credibility?
Cain was simply stating "talking facts" without knowing the details of what he believes. Look at how he answered criticism to his 9-9-9 plan- his response in the debate was: "go to my webpage and look at the analysis" or "you are comparing apples to oranges" he simply doesn't have the skills to back up what he preaches.
If you think Cain did well in his interview with Spitzer you are being way too generous and are you telling me he wasn't flip flopping on his abortion stance? At this stage you can't keep going back and doing do- overs- he claimed he was misquoted on the Electric fence- he said he misunderstood the question about releasing terrorist to Al-Queada in exchange for a soldier- he clearly said it should not be the government telling people what to do concerning Abortion(the pro-choice) stance than says Abortion should NEVER happen. Cain is clueless!
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I see your point but I think Cain can recover. I still am waiting on the explanation for Obama's books. Its one thing to fire from the cuff or in Obama's case, misread the teleprompter, but its another to publish, not in a contemporary blog mind you, but in a book, complete fabrications. Obama explicitly says in writing that his parents were inspired by an event that happened almost 8 years after his birth to conceive him. How is that not a gaffe that the media never called him on. At the badgering of a friend, who is also an economist, I actually read his first two books. The first was probably written by Bill Ayers. The second, which is poorly written IMO, was probably written by bo. Both are the works of unabashed socialists/marxists. If you haven't read them and want to read some scary sh*# if you are a capitalist, give them a whirl. I think you can get used ones on amazon for less than $2. Or check the stalls at the local homeless shelters where they put them to better use.
The biggest question to ask for 2012, Will the media give Obama a pass and attack anyone else? He certainly got a pass in 2008. Now that he has a record, and a dismal one, will he get the same pass?