Provide Showcase misleading

some forums closer to our "home" have showcase capability too; open across all areas; and ladies can actually control access be whomever if they so choose.....
i see everyone's point. still, i think it would be easier if someone wants to find a gal in SA, they should be able to look at the SA showcase's and expect the girl to be here instead of seeing their showcase and trying to contact them only to get a response that they will not be in our city until so and so date. kinda makes things easier i think.
Oh, I see what you're saying...being that there are so many provider ads these days, it can get frustrating trying to weed through them all...yeah, I get you now.
Is it just me or does anyone else have a problem with providers who have a showcase in SA but when you go to see the showcase, it says they are in Dallas, N TX, Austin, SA, etc.

That drives me crazy. When I browse the SA showcase, I expect to find providers that are readily available here in SA. I don't want to have to find an ad they placed saying when they will be traveling to SA. I think providers that actually LIVE in SA (or whatever city they are from) should only be allowed to have a showcase for SA (or whatever city they are from).

What are your thoughts? Originally Posted by satexasguy
I can see your point, would be frustrating, to look through showcases and find that the girl that you are viewing is not actually here. However, once a girl is actually here and is actually available, I don't see the problem with her having her showcase here. It would be nice though, if there was an area on the board set aside for visiting provider showcases. Having an area on the board for local girls showcases and an area on the board for visiting girl showcases..would be less frustrating for gentlemen.
ck1942's Avatar
Perhaps their thought is "Even though I am in San Antonio, folks in Dallas, Austin, Houston, etc. visit here and if I put my showcase in those cities as well as SA, I might get some business here from visitors, or invitations to visit there."

Dunno, but what in these somewhat tough (and obviously competitive) times, marketing everywhere they can surely cannot hurt.

Just my dos centavos.