Intelligent, classy and educated women who say "f*ck" a lot

London Rayne's Avatar
Just because someone calls it Poetry, does not mean a thing...or that it actually is. Just like not everyone with a degree in English actually knows the language even if they are born in America.

Personally, I think Shakespeare had major issues and don't take his work as any more artistic or poetic than that of least Tupac had a valid excuse for being so wacked out.

Phantom finds women who curse in public to be replusive and not all that creative ...that's his right, and many people feel the same way. Some think a woman smoking is just as bad, and I smoke. Can't be all things to all people I suppose.

I know I would never say half the things I have seen many women say on this board, and that's pretty darn bad coming from someone as rude as me. I would never wish serious ill will on someone with my words or my actions and mean it. Some things I would not even dare speak even if it were a joke.
I am rude also London and some prudish , conservative ppl think we have no right to BE RUDE when they call us up acting like they have no sense. God forbid if we were to curse in general and that would be unlady like.. ROFLMAO
If you give strangers the power to repulse you with little puffs of air that is your choice.

Language is a beautiful, fluid creature and should be appreciated as such. I find it very puritanical to say that this combination of letters is somehow more offensive than some other. I call my dog a bitch and that is fine but I refer to a random woman as such she will fly right the fuck off the handle.

I'd rather be called a silly bitch by my sister than my one true love by a guy with hands around my throat.
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  • WTF
  • 11-01-2011, 08:40 AM
I agree with Phantom. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Fuc Phantom!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I love pottymouth ladies. And the creative use of cursing is a sign of intelligence and freedom.
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  • 11-01-2011, 08:48 AM
I love pottymouth ladies. And the creative use of cursing is a sign of intelligence and freedom. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Then get your ass down to the OWS protest and start talking shit to some of the ladies down there. You will find some pottymouth ladies in abundance!

I'd pay good money to view that
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, but can they curse creatively?
There is nothing sexier than the juxtaposition of having an elegant educated cosmopolitan woman using vile language.

There are certain words which trigger an animalistic rage within and others are quite a turnoff. I can't stand the word c-nt but love hearing f*ck in the proper context.

Really, who doesn't curse anyways?
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  • 11-01-2011, 12:12 PM
Fuc Phantom! Originally Posted by WTF
Pnantom , this post was done in jest. In the spirit of the thread so to speak.

I hope this caused you no harm nor angst, if anything, I hope it made you feel better than me!
Shakespeare is full of profanity. If one wishes to converse as though one has actually perused the works of the Bard perhaps one should familiarize oneself with the language used.

It would also be IMMENSELY helpful if you had the slightest grasp of American grammar.

Jus' sayin. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
I agree with that. I hope tough, Phantom does not end the discussion here, i would see what he has to say to our arguments.
There is nothing sexier than the juxtaposition of having an elegant educated cosmopolitan woman using vile language.

There are certain words which trigger an animalistic rage within and others are quite a turnoff. I can't stand the word c-nt but love hearing f*ck in the proper context.

Really, who doesn't curse anyways? Originally Posted by mwebber
I hear your point as well. besides, great signature ;-)))!! love the rage against the machine video.. did you see michael moore at the end of the movie ;-) (lol)
Gratuitous cussing, swearing, etc. just tells me that the person has a hard time thinking of a better word. Saving the curse word for when it is really needed to put the proper emphasis on the pont you making is much more powerfull. I don't curse much at all but when I do people listen and take notice of my sincerity.....

However....Behind closed doors, you can swear like a dirty slut and it kind of turns me on.....
I think we all here - maybe except for one or two come to the same conclusion. Its the "how often" and the context that counts ;-). Interesting discussion so far.

I usually don`t curse or use swear words too often. Exceptions are when i am emotional and need to deal with very bad stuff, or when some jerks try to fool me as in "Don`t piss down my back and then tell me it`s raining". What also brings me to heat is people`s obvious stupidity. I just can`t deal with stupid people, especially the combination of "i think of myself as intelligent" with "obviously stupid behaviour" . Because with that combination people never learn anything and its the most harmful of all combos out there.
Then - yes - my swearing could make a sailor blush and faint. I think that is an european thing, though, and its generally accepted and no one would think i am stupid or can`t use other methods of expressions (you should see the italians, or spanish...).

My poor cat gets earplugs when i run around in my apartment frantic and search for the "f-ing housekey" for the 100000th time........;-), of course verbal and furious, until i find the key and then ...... sunshine, decency and modesty kicks in (lol) and i am off with a smile as if nothing has happened like Bree from the Desperate Housewives.
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  • WTF
  • 11-01-2011, 06:54 PM
on the pont you making is much more powerfull. ..... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Ed, my fine friend, you forgot the 'i' in point, you should have been you're and there is no need for much before more...

dearhunter's Avatar
Fuck all that shit......ijs