Don't shoot the messenger..!

Please do not allow this to become another PISSING Contest.

You will be a special person for helping clear the air.

guest031812's Avatar
How does this thread already have 15,000 views.. not even that many people read this forum... At least not in that short period of time.. Just wondering?
cheater's Avatar
One word. KLOVVE

"Don't shoot the messenger." Nothing against Ms. K lovve.

I'm sorry, I just had to do that because this thread is making me
. It just cracks me up. It's making it sound like the Risquebb site
is relevant. It's like comparing Netflix (Eccie) to Hulu (RBB) to stream movies.

Netflix (Eccie) has a better website, has a larger selection with
good reviews for which Netflix (Eccie) customers can make intelligent choices.
Hulu like RBB doesn't have any of that so,

And finally, Selena's profile has been removed from RBB, so I need,
boobs mcgee's Avatar
it is my understanding that Paprika is Marco's girlfriend. if that is true, i would say he is still deeply involved in Risque BB.
it is my understanding that Paprika is Marco's girlfriend. if that is true, i would say he is still deeply involved in Risque BB. Originally Posted by boobs mcgee
Which is another reason I was cracking up. He's been involved for years. Everybody knows that.
Like he's just going to walk away
Cityjazz's Avatar
Well... I love klovve and I have had several quite positive experiences with RBB gals. But I'm really posting to follow up on Krissy's post... this thread now ranks #2 in terms of all time views within the co-ed section (#1 is old school providers. where are they now?)... and this thread has only been around two days!
Methinks something seriously wrong with the counters on this thread....unless someone is jacking with the actual views I don't believe that over 17k people have been on eccie, and viewing this thread, in the last 18 hours.....

Just my .02 worth.

harkontume's Avatar
I have a hard time having a serious discussion when the name "Paprika" keeps popping up.

You may have the best ass in Austin. maybe Texas. It has always been a pleasure seeing your ass as an Avatar.

However, there were several points brought up during the "Alert" thread. Still you have not addressed any of them other then calling Marco (ADHD).
We seriously don't care about Marco Polo.
But we do care about the ethical practices of your new business.
Please address them and put your ass back as an Avatar where it belongs.

oh .. one more thing.. use the word Paprika more... it is way cute.

My comments here are relatively simple and straight forward. Eccie and similar boards are significantly different then sites like Risque. Risque is very similar in concept to an old website in Phoenix (phx411). Glenn (owner) existed for years in relative harmony with TER and his site was regarded as the "gold standard" for indies (vs sites like eros).

The real issue here is exposure and liability. Obviously there are currently questions specific to "quality". Personally to me these are trivial since any "booking service" will have "QC" issue crop up.

The real concern I have is specific to your involvement along the following lines. Eventually all these sites attract attention. Attention leads to investigation and Risque meets every standard for RICO. Once the "$#!^ hits the fan (and it will) the felony indictments will basically force anyone with significant involvement to plead out.

Eccie's own restrictions on certain information underscore just how aware they are of what lines you shouldn't cross. So my advice is very careful and unless you see significant gain (measured in multiple comma's) I'd run the other way.
Good morning! I am thrilled to see that, so far, this discussion has remained on topic - thank you for that.

To address some of the questions that have come up so far...

First, I would like to be very clear about one thing: the RISQUE Blackbook™ is NOT an agency, and really should not be referred to as such. I have a profile on the site and am in no way affiliated with M!NT, or any other agency in Austin. In fact, just this morning I received an RSVP via email from a hobbyist within the system. Yes, I will admit that there are functions of RBB that are still growing - hence the pertinence of this discussion here. I understand there was some scuttlebutt stemming from the original Pearis thread. That discussion grew wildly out of control - similarly reminding me of Lord of the Flies (Google the book if you are unfamiliar with the reference). I am not here to defend him, I am here with an ethical and subjective stance to answer any and all of your questions - I believe I said that in my first statement. If you could direct these questions to me I will be happy to alleviate any confusion or frustration you may have. It is counter-productive for me to weave through the Labyrinth of threads that have spawned as a result of this miscommunication.

Second, yes, we are working to make RBB user friendly, interactive and engaging for all members. Your feedback is crucial in working through all of the kinks that may arise during the final development stages. Again, input and ideas are encouraged.

And finally, harkontume and kingorpawn, I have no comment on whether Marco is knocking boots with Paprika or not. I don't know and I don't necessarily care. I would venture to guess not as Marco is subpar by her standards. But then again, one never really knows the truth when you play Telephone
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I just want to know are they profiling clients and if so are they gonna take those down now that you are in charge?
boobs mcgee's Avatar
I have no comment on whether Marco is knocking boots with Paprika or not. I don't know and I don't necessarily care. I would venture to guess not as Marco is subpar by her standards. But then again, one never really knows the truth when you play Telephone Originally Posted by K lovve
unfortunately for many of us it is an issue. as Risque BB is now making an attempt to distance itself from Marco by using you as their new spokesperson, you should make a statement as to the facts of their relationship, if any.

if any of us believe Marco still has a strong affiliation with Risque BB, and it appears as of now that he does, then i believe most of us are calling BS on this makeover of Risque BB.

look at this thread, in post #50, where M!NT himself states:

I am a MOD and develooper on the RISQUE board so yes, technically I will always have a foot in this biz. MINT is moving in a different direction and only a few loyal clients will reap the rewards for playing by the rules... Originally Posted by M!NT
it is not about what you or i or anyone else can "guess," let's hear the facts. is, or has ever, Marco and Paprika had a relationship, and what exactly is it, or was it? and is this relationship, be it personal or business or both, still active?

i have already received PM's from many people that Paprika and Marco are still involved, of course, none of them are what i'd consider a truly reliable source. i would like to hear something direct that says "Yes" or "No".....not "I don't care."

thanks for the clarificaiton.

and as an aside to TxToast: read Texas Penal Code 43.04.
boobs mcgee's Avatar
double post sorry
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I don't think it can be denied that RBB, at one time, was the host site for Marco's M!nt. At what point did the site ownership change? When did the site divorce itself from Marco and his agency?

There have been providers listed there, as recently as a week or two ago, who worked through a common "booking agent". Regardless of if you call that an agency or a booking agent, does that arrangement still exist?

Are the providers currently listed on RBB independent or associated with an agency? If agency, what agency and who owns/runs it?

While I don't necessarily agree with it, I do understand your passion for a site that works to help providers by acting as an information exchange. I do believe that your involvement will be fair - moderation among the users who use that board. However, I wonder if you are privy to the true ownership and motives of the site itself.

There is still the issue of security. As Still Looking has pointed out, a profile still exists about him. He has never logged in or participated on the board. Maybe it's misleading to call it a profile and a better word would be a file. Either way, the his information is housed on that site, it links his handle on ECCIE with a physical description. First, I fail to see how his physical description affects safety of providers unless he has been proven to be problematic. Second, even if it is a legitimate concern, why is that information visible to someone who is not registered and not verified in some way?

Can you give any assurances on how the information housed on that site will or will not be used,

The fact that you don't care if "Paprika" and Marco are involved concerns me.

Thank you for bringing the discussion here since I currently have no desire to create a profile on that site nor even expose my IP address to that server.