Judge beats disabled teenage daughter

  • Laz
  • 11-03-2011, 07:53 AM
There are numerous forms of punishment. Only one involves a belt and I am NOT a fan of it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There are also numerous forms of entertainment, and several involve a belt.
There are some wonderful books out there for parents to read on techniques that are much more effective for disciplining your kids that actually are constructive. It involves patience and repetition. Sooo many things a parent can do to discipline and teach constructively at the same time. Right up there with "The Nanny" episodes. If any of you have ever watched the English nanny who comes to parents homes who have out of control kids. Most of the time she finds it is the parents bad habits and lack of patience that lead to the bad behavior of a child.

Anyway, with that said looks like most of us are in agreement that this is criminal but I think this Judge won't be doing in time for the assault on his daughter.
TexTushHog's Avatar
OK, Laz or COG, if it's so easy, answer the questions:

Is it OK to beat a 16 year old with a belt? If he'd just have beat her a little less, of been less foul mouthed when it did it, it would be OK? Or hit her a little less hard?

So how many licks with a belt is OK. 1? 5? 10? How do you draw the line? Does it make a difference what she did? Does it matter what he says? How far can he draw back when he gives her the number of licks you say is OK? How hard can they be? Does that make a difference? How to we measure the hardness? Does it have to break the skin? Or is a bruise enough? And what if she bruises easily?
  • Laz
  • 11-03-2011, 08:53 PM
OK, Laz or COG, if it's so easy, answer the questions:

Is it OK to beat a 16 year old with a belt? If he'd just have beat her a little less, of been less foul mouthed when it did it, it would be OK? Or hit her a little less hard?

So how many licks with a belt is OK. 1? 5? 10? How do you draw the line? Does it make a difference what she did? Does it matter what he says? How far can he draw back when he gives her the number of licks you say is OK? How hard can they be? Does that make a difference? How to we measure the hardness? Does it have to break the skin? Or is a bruise enough? And what if she bruises easily? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Why are you hung up on the belief that I believe assaulting a 16 year old girl in that manner is acceptable. I cannot think of a scenario where I would resort to that kind of action. I have two sons and never used a belt on them like that. I don't recall using a belt on them for any reason. His using the excuse of losing his temper is unacceptable. A parent should never punish in anger.

Please quit trying to say I believe things I don't. My position is clear and I do not need you to revise it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
So any beating with a belt should be prohibited? By the State? Criminal conduct, or just take their kid away?
So any beating with a belt should be prohibited? By the State? Criminal conduct, or just take their kid away? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well I personally think that it should be. I believe that you only teach your child violence, and the wrong way to handle things. It clearly sends the wrong message not to mention what it does to a childs emotional stability in the long run. Our mothers and fathers and their mothers and fathers may have resorted to this years ago, but that still doesn't make it right. Time for people to stop living in the back woods dark ages thinking it is ok. I most certainly think it is even more heinous what this Judge did since his daughter has Atex Cerebral Palsy. Parents need to take parenting classes in this country. If your gonna have children then they ought to demand that some minimal amount of training for child rearing be involved imho. We are after all shaping the lives of those who will become adults in this country and some day some of them may be running it.
Granny Pleasures said:

Well I personally think that it should be. I believe that you only teach your child violence, and the wrong way to handle things. It clearly sends the wrong message not to mention what it does to a childs emotional stability in the long run. Originally Posted by ;1811777

Well, apparently bad parenting creates bad people. This girl posts the video 7 years after the fact because daddy took her BMW and allowance away. It was payback on dad, who held a respected position in the community. 7 years after the fact....water under the bridge....let it go and move on.....scummy dad, scummy daughter......
Granny Pleasures said:

Well, apparently bad parenting creates bad people. This girl posts the video 7 years after the fact because daddy took her BMW and allowance away. It was payback on dad, who held a respected position in the community. 7 years after the fact....water under the bridge....let it go and move on.....scummy dad, scummy daughter...... Originally Posted by Marshall
LOL Marshall, you must be a youngin in your 20's to think 47 is a grand old age. However, not a granny yet.. hope to be one day soon. I have successfully raised 2 children one in college getting a masters in Geology and a son who is in Naval Intelligence. So I think my opinions on child rearing kinda trump yours..lol

I learned what not to do from parents who were pretty abusive such as this judge in the news right now. I saw the damage it did to my sister, who died recently from psychological problems related to what was done to her when she was younger. I have a brother one year younger than me who is disabled (clinically classified retarded) who struggles to this day with the harm inflicted on him from such abuse. We all had to carry that over into our adult lives. Fortunately for me I was able to afford counseling and did take the time when I was married to learn how to raise children and understand the child development phases. I learned what worked most effectively with regards to discipline and what best motivates children to behave.

I do feel very passionately about this subject. Having been the recipient of that and worse growing up as a child.

There is that old saying "You can hammer nails into wood and then take the nails out of that wood, but the holes will still be there" Same thing with what we say and what we do toward our children. Same affect.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Mom of the year.

Btw...I like your showcase.
Mom of the year.

Btw...I like your showcase. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Your sweet hun! Well at least you know who I am..lol God been too many years since we last met! One thing is for certain I am one of the few who is honest about my age. Haven't really changed much all these years since you and I last met except I am not the skinny minny I once was. I actually have boobs and a butt now...haha

It's all good!


Edit: Some of us old granny's in this little world of ours do some things right, and my kids are the one thing I really did right on in my life!
Granny Pleasures said:

Well, apparently bad parenting creates bad people. This girl posts the video 7 years after the fact because daddy took her BMW and allowance away. It was payback on dad, who held a respected position in the community. 7 years after the fact....water under the bridge....let it go and move on.....scummy dad, scummy daughter...... Originally Posted by Marshall
"Hillary Adams said she waited so long to expose her father because she was terrified at what might have happened had she done so while still living under his roof. She said the outpouring of support and encouragement she's received since posting the clip is tempered by the sadness that it's her father repeatedly lashing her with a belt and threatening to beat her "into submission."

By the way that is the fathers story and what he says.. but irregardless the video pretty much tells me what she had to live with and I am sure her fear was real.

anaximander's Avatar
Discipline is not an easy value to instill
these days with all the candy-ass pacifist
types bent on weakening our citizens.

I've raised 4 chillin and it was rare that
any one approach to discipline would
work on them all youngest daughter
responded to firm voice. Oldest son
responded to a firm hand.
Other's a chaotic mix of both.

The only real divorce incident revolved
around the SO objecting to my methods.
She gave in not wanting to deal with
it herself. Watching disciplining of any
child is a bit uncomfortable.
All the sausage making metaphors apply.

In the Judge's defense the incident
involved illegal downloads. Might
seem small potatoes, but the USSC
has upheld the RIAA claim.
You are legally responsible for all
files you download as well as those
you share without permission.
He is well aware of just how far reaching
that decision actually can go.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

That said, I don't believe the girl actually
cared about the incident or she would
have said something sooner.
Instead of smearing her father for
refusing to pay her bills anymore.
She told him he would regret not
making her car payment.

Given that, it's obvious she requires
a stout ass whuppin. She's a brat.