Fetlife Anyone

Lovin50's Avatar
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT........You can post soooo many more pics that cant be posted anywhere else............https://fetlife.com/users/755103 Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
Looks like members Love you back Ms Athena! That's a lot of friends you have on there
any suggestions on how to approach people on here. very new to this.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Hey whats not to love.............lol But Im am always game to meet new friends.....They see Im accepting and try hard not to judge others, and like them for who they are.
I like Fet okay, eccie is a LOT better.
any suggestions on how to approach people on here. very new to this. Originally Posted by luvmature73
Make sure you write a proper introduction before you send a friend request. Many people on fetlife "live" the lifestyle and don`t just participate in it every once and a while. While there are paid encounters possible, the main focus is for "real" lifestyle people.
At first I had found the lack of a search ability annoying. Why do I want to spend time searching through all this stuff... give me the ability to serach the damn database!!!

. Originally Posted by Krunkman
Well i think that is good, because it stops voyeurs from falling all over you. I got into the page via friends and friends of friends , and then automatically - via the friendships - you join the circles, meet in real life, and it add up to the fun by exploring the community , the events, by participating. Randomly browsing other people`s profile is not the idea of that site , i assume
LilRed's Avatar
Been on Fetlife for years. It offers such a variety of groups and discussions that there is definitely something for everyone. Learning the site may be a bit of a challenge, but hell, it took me a while to learn Eccie at first.
I'm on Fetlife!!! I tend to keep it separate from eccie stuff, because my BDSM play is more for my personal life. I find that the things I like and display there tend to intimidate a lot of people. Fetlife is where I get to be me without worrying what people will think of me. I am highly active there though, and have made some of the most wonderful friends. I have encountered a few clients who are on there, and if I know they can handle seeing my maso side, I will give them my info.
Aye, I totally agree with you on that Rockelle. The lifestyle aspect of Fetlife is much different than what's here on ECCIE. But that should be expected due to the different natures of each.
larry696's Avatar
intresting site, might sign up to check it out
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-22-2012, 08:06 AM
Think I will check it out my self.
  • XOOS
  • 01-25-2012, 02:15 PM
<----- totally on Fetlife just started it a couple of months ago and its cool for making new friends; FB for kinky.
Lynette's Avatar
Looks like a fun site.
Great site! I actually had the chance to meet the creator at Montreal Fetish Weekend last year.

It really is "Facebook for kinky people" ; )

Maitresse Renee
Yes, I am on FetLife.