Is Herman Cain getting a pass?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wasn't this thread about Cain? He managed to take a small problem and turn it into a huge scandal. I still think there is a chance he leaked this himself so the Right Wingnuts would gather around him to protect him from the media. So far, it looks like it's working.
TexTushHog's Avatar
He's getting almost as big a pass as Bush got. But despite that fact, he's still mismanaging the issue.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You left me no choice, but to give a dumb answer.... it was a series of incredibly stupid questions!!

Does your dumbass actually think Barry had anything to do with the tactical design of the mission?*Be careful.... if you answer yes, you will officially declare yourself as the silliest, most naive, kool-aid drinking idiot of all time!* Cum on.... please say it!!* Show us all, your brilliance!!

LSU TIGERS #1 Originally Posted by MrGiz
Would I believe is Obama was adamant about capturing or killing oBL- of course dumb ass he's going to leave the tactical part of it to the General's and the CIA- I am 100 % sure "Barry" didn't say:"I am not concerned about OBL nor do I think of him much and I don't know where he is..." isn't that what George Dubyah said krrp in mind Bush made this comment a mere 6 months after 9-11- so after 6 months of the deadliest attack on American soil in many years- Bush gave up the hunt after just 6 months.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bush gave up the hunt for OBL because OBL was never a real target. The purpose of the whole thing was to build up our defense contractors. We hadn't had a real profitable war for awhile, so it was about time. This was never about OBL.

Oh, and to stay on topic, Cain is mishandling it, but the press is being ridiculous.