The ignorance of most people is just mind numbing.
Sheesh, I share the same road?
The New Madrid earthquake of 1811-12
Look it up. Predated frakking in the region.
Here in SoTx recent quake activity has been
blamed on oil and gas activity too.
The areas are all situated near fault lines.
Is it a coincidence that all major gas and oil
deposits are also located in and around
fault lines and plate boundries?
think dammit no it isn't a coincidence.
The hillcountry is the result of tectonic activity.
Since when is the world supposed to stop
being what it is just because we're comfortable?
The fact that is constantly changing in some
manner, that should be a clue that our comfort
isn't a concern in the least to the RRW.
Adapt or perish.
Originally Posted by anaximander
when one thinks of Okalahoma, earthquakes don't enter the equation.
but I'm aware of the New Madrid fault which is generally located in the Tennessee area.
about the bit regarding fracking, I had brought this up as companies are drilling for natural gas using the fracking technique which have been said to cause small earthquakes. I was only inquring if there were any natural gas drilling activity in OK. This is *not* ignorance. I don't know what's going on in OK.
not very many people are aware of where the faults are located.