I would not guard against falling in love with someone I met while doing this (provided he was single) any more than I would in any other aspect of my life. I don't grow horns whilst functioning in this capacity. I did date someone I met doing this when I first started out. You do have to be careful how much you talk about it. Guys are pretty territorial. I have to metabolise my experiences, ie, I'm a talker. I should have taken more care not to do that. I could definitely see the strain on his face when it came up. I think that experience is rare. I haven't met anyone else who has really caught my interest that way. I myself will stop when I meet someone if not before. But, this was never meant to be a permanent career move for me. Although, the job does make you lazy. I am a Virgo. I can work until I drop. In my last full time job, I worked crazy hours, went in on weekends, and loved doing it! But after doing this, I don't know. I just started another full time job and I"m all, do I have to go into work AGAIN!! So boring
. But, some women do it, this is their job and their relationship is their relationship. I totally admire that and the men who are with them. They have a lot more relationship dexterity than I could probably muster, but kudos!