Is this a rule???

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-27-2010, 02:15 PM
You did not explain how my post was "smacking him down" and "bullying."
You did not explain how my post was "smacking him down" and "bullying."
Mokoa, it's because you didn' would never be so harsh as to make an unwarranted statement. I've known you for many years...and that's just not your style.

However, if you want to see someone who gets bitched-slapped on a coed thread...take a look at my thread. If I can get "smacked down" and handle it, I'm sure Mossman can handle your subtle comments. And, like the gentleman he is...he openly apologized with no regrets...unlike some who just hide behind their dirty deeds.

Look, we could all sit for hours, days, years trying to fix everything that may need fixing...but, let's face it...some things will never change no matter how much we try. Either deal with it...or become a mod/admin and take on the burden of effecting change...or you can simply move on...there's always a choice.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
i think it's far more important to keep the ladies who change handles due to custody/spiteful so's/outting safe than it is to 'keep up' with those who get banned for various reasons. if there is a rule in place that does both, then it should not be altered just so you can keep up with the crazies. the safety of the ladies trumps being 'in the know' of the drama circle imho

i also think it is on you if you want to send your personal info to an agency/indy/anyone who wants you to give that kind of info. it's a risk YOU take and providers with legitimate reasons to change handles (safety reasons) should not have to suffer because YOU didn't do enough research or let your personal info fall into the wrong hands. Originally Posted by dirty diana
First of all I can understand why you're taking such a position on the matter; you're a provider and I'm a client so we're looking at this from different sides. I also totally understand that there are legit reasons for some of the ladies to change their handles. These aren't the providers that I am referring to; and No, I'm not looking to "out" any of the ladies, either.

Again, I'm talking strictly about the crazy/bad providers who have been a risk to their clients under a previous handle.

But hell yes, I want to keep up with the crazies and hell yes I want to be "in the know". If for no other reason than to avoid them--not for a "drama circle" as suggested above.

Just as providers have their places and venues to discuss bad clients, clients should have the same freedom to discuss bad providers who are trying to re-invent themselves simply by changing their handles.

Face it, there are bad apples on BOTH sides of the deal and whether you realize it or not, providers aren't the only ones who are taking a risk in this deal. Clients are risking a helluva' lot as well--often times, much, much, more; especially "unknown/new" provider.

The argument that the risk "is (all) on YOU (the client), and it's YOUR (the client's) fault for submitting screening information without researching properly", falls a little short because,... how can a client properly research this type of new-handled provider if that provider's previous "bad" handle is NOT allowed to be discussed? How is it even possible for a client to make an "informed decision" in such a situation?

Answer; It can't be done and the cards are stacked against the clients and that's not right.

All I'm saying is that IF there are going to be any rules put into place, this should be taken into consideration. Not to "out" anyone, nor for "drama", but to keep members safe and hopefully to prevent someone from falling into one of these traps.