The Cure for Unemployment

I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh how convoluted and duplicitous is the mind of a liberal. P.J. O'Rourke once wrote: "The second item in the liberal creed, after self-righteousness, is unaccountability. Liberals have invented whole college majors – psychology, sociology, women's studies – to prove that nothing is anybody's fault. No one is fond of taking responsibility for his actions, but consider how much you'd have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favor abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view."

O'Rourke could just as easily have been writing about the convoluted liberal POV regarding American labor and the illegal immigration of the “undocumented” worker. Samuel Gompers, founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), and his Union compatriots were among the first to demand that Congress impose immigration quotas for the welfare of the American worker. How can the liberal logically champion both causes?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just to confirm your hypothesis, check this out. A little girl kisses a boy in gym class, and people call the cops. A college football coach rapes a child in a locker room, and everyone wonders who to tell. Something is wrong here.

Doc Holliday's Avatar
True. Agricultural jobs are subject to going overseas if labor becomes uncompetitive. Much produce today is already imported from Latin American countries. However, construction jobs cannot be shipped over seas, and many illegals are employed in that industry as carpenters, electricians, plumbers, roustabouts, etc. Those jobs should be filled by American labor - as any Union boss would argue. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Absolutely, if they can compete with the pay grade.

Just to clarify, I think immigration should be enforced (LOL law enforcement). A nation needs to document it's population and address any unwanted elements, no question about that. But at the same time, if warm bodies want to come here and provide a service at a lesser cost? Why wouldn't we want them? And if the service is poor, we can go back to a higher paid American. And if you're an American whose job is in jeopardy? Either take a lower pay or find a value in your service to justify the cost.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmm? Which option is less costly? Paying taxes to cover the welfare/unemployment stipends to an unemployed American worker to sit on his ass AND covering his/her and the foreign “undocumented” worker’s emergency healthcare AND covering their costs for educating and feeding their kids in public schools since they are not paying taxes (the American is unemployed and the illegal is often paid in cash) AND pay for the labor of an illegal, OR simply pay an American worker the market wage and let him contribute tax dollars to his neighborhood schools and pay for his own health care, etc., and remove the illegals and their families from the financial equation. Gosh Randy, can you imagine which one is actually cheaper? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
As usual, you Whigs of the Flat Earth Society keep mixing your "metaphors." UE benefits are NOT paid to undocumented alien workers. As far as the medical costs of the undocumenteds, well, wtf do you expect? They're here and a little thing called the Hippocratic Oath keeps fu*king things up. However, the ones who are really responsible for them being here in the first place (those who will do anything for cheap labor) will not take responsibility for their actions - you know, paying UE tax on their undocumenteds, collecting income and SS and Medicare on the undocumenteds (oh, HELL! That's right!! They will have to pay their portion of those taxes, too! That would be just terrible...)

You clowns just kill me!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (A little of your hero, Marshall, for ya...hee hee).

And, yes, the agricultural "guest worker" law has been around for years and years based on the idea that they are going to come, work during the times needed and then LEAVE until it's time to come back - not exactly how it's been working. Pity there's not one for "guest workers" in the domestic help, construction trades, fast-food worker, yadda, yadda areas. Hmmmm, maybe there is and we just don't know it.

I'd like to see some of you guys' computer screens after your face has exploded when you are talking out of both sides of your mouths.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Just to confirm your hypothesis, check this out. A little girl kisses a boy in gym class, and people call the cops. A college football coach rapes a child in a locker room, and everyone wonders who to tell. Something is wrong here.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No confusion here...big time college sports introduce the $Million$ factor into the equation and the CYA mentality takes over. All of you fascist wannabes should be able to recognise the desire to save the institution at the expense of the individual, it's what your philosophy is all about.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If cheap labor is so important to our economy, why don't we change the law? There are a lot of laws I don't like, but rather than ignore them, I try to change them. Instead of making excuses for our limp government, just change the damn law. Otherwise, send them home.
I B Hankering's Avatar
As usual, you Whigs of the Flat Earth Society keep mixing your "metaphors." UE benefits are NOT paid to undocumented alien workers. . . blah, blah, blah Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You can't read can you Randy. That in part explains why you are so misguided.

Hmmm? Which option is less costly? Paying taxes to cover the welfare/unemployment stipends to an unemployed American worker to sit on his ass . . . Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You can't read can you Randy. That in part explains why you are so misguided. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yep, that's what's going on right now. youbetcha...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yep, that's what's going on right now. youbetcha... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
No assumption made, it's verifiable in your 'mis'-quote above.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Nah, you are wrong yet again (getting to be a habit of yours - hmmm, perhaps "lifestyle" would be a better characterization). The cause of this mess is those who encouraged the illegals to come here in the first place so they could AVOID all of the responsibilities you pointed out and will do anything to continue to do so. And, YOUR premise of "the American worker sitting on his ass" is bullshit. The American worker is much more productive than most and works more hours for less time off and fewer benefits. Plus, I haven't seen you or the other Flat Earthers come up with a way to employ the 14+ million extra who are out of work. I know it's a complicated concept, try to stay hooked. Or, you could change your handle to Mister Completely of "The Hole in the Mattress" fame.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nah, you are wrong yet again (getting to be a habit of yours - hmmm, perhaps "lifestyle" would be a better characterization). The cause of this mess is those who encouraged the illegals to come here in the first place so they could AVOID all of the responsibilities you pointed out and will do anything to continue to do so. And, YOUR premise of "the American worker sitting on his ass" is bullshit. The American worker is much more productive than most and works more hours for less time off and fewer benefits. Plus, I haven't seen you or the other Flat Earthers come up with a way to employ the 14+ million extra who are out of work. I know it's a complicated concept, try to stay hooked. Or, you could change your handle to Mister Completely of "The Hole in the Mattress" fame. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You obfuscate and mischaracterize in order to hide your deficiencies that you revealed above. You've neither truly addressed my post or justified your misquotes - yes, you've misquoted once again. It's obvious you cannot read.
joe bloe's Avatar
Absolutely, if they can compete with the pay grade.

Just to clarify, I think immigration should be enforced (LOL law enforcement). A nation needs to document it's population and address any unwanted elements, no question about that. But at the same time, if warm bodies want to come here and provide a service at a lesser cost? Why wouldn't we want them? And if the service is poor, we can go back to a higher paid American. And if you're an American whose job is in jeopardy? Either take a lower pay or find a value in your service to justify the cost. Originally Posted by Doc Holliday
We don't want all those warm bodies coming here because its a net loss after you factor in the cost of free education, free health care and all the various social welfare programs. We also have this rediculous anchor baby policy that rewards illegals by making their babies citizens. Then there's the higher crime rate, loss of our language and culture. We should have a moratorium on third world immigration until they can assimilate. We are no longer a melting pot. The culture is beginning to fragment. Multiculturalism has largely ruined much of Europe; we don't want to go down that road.

We would be a lot better off without the cheap labor.