Pimp Report

Pink Floyd's Avatar
FNF... Serously?!?! Wow... Is it because they don't know any different/better?? Every time one of them contacts me, I simply ignore it. I have always wondered how someone could give their money to a man who doesn't really protect THE GIRL, but protects his moneymaker. I'm all for security or a friend to travel with when it's called for, but W.O.W. Originally Posted by thickgrlswag
I see it a lot, especially in the younger poorer girls who were raised in a ghetto atmosphere. I just talk to one girl and it is like her eyes are dead. There is a lot of money to be made, but these poor girls are not making it. I will be in a strip club and I'll see them come in on their recruiting missions, trying to get another girl hooked on their shit. Most of the girls are too wise to them and they are in and out pretty quick. I have had 2 girls tell me that the dead eye girl has tried to recruit them for her pimp that she brags about. A pimp is a badge of honor just like getting pregnant for your man. I can't change the world, but I see it.
Makayla of Missouri's Avatar
Hmmm.... Yes, I suppose if they knew better, they'd do better! I guess i just have to revert back to my social theory days... it it makes perfect sense under Durkheim and Merton with anomie and strain. I guess it was an aspect of deviance we simply didn't discuss in college, lol. I did both of my senior seminars on legalization of a certain herbal remedy.... don't recall the industry ever being brought up in all 4 years or either of my majors, lol.
So upsetting. It's scary how they'll do anything to make money sometimes..
Brooklyn Pimp Denied 'Expert Pimp' Status
Anthony McCord, a 29-year-old pimp who's on trial in Brooklyn Supreme Court for rape and robbery has been denied his request to be qualified as an "expert witness" in pimping. McCord is acting as his own lawyer and had hoped to reveal to jurors the "relationships between pimps and hookers, so they could better evaluate the case."
pims love attentions and if u low enough to get with one ur lacking of attention and self esteem.... along with many other thing in life...
the relationship between pimps and hoes is a crazy intense one. The fact these women think its okay to be engaged in situations like this is beyond me. What's even more odd is the fact these these dipshits get women strung out on all types of drugs to better control and manipulate them into being submissive and totally dependent. I hate running into girls who are pimped because every one I have met was PROUD! It must be a part of the brainwashing regime. Make them proud that they're a part of such a strong "family" and daddy takes care of them so well and its their job to invite more girls to join the "family" Tuh! Ridiculous! I hope they keep him for ever! And catch every other low down dirty pimp out there and look their ass up too!
What a piece of trash! You'd think with all the money he's made off of the girls...he'd own a mirror and a decent outfit! How ridiculous!
London Rayne's Avatar
Yea really....nice had dipwad.
Soonerman12's Avatar
Sad... very sad..
burkalini's Avatar
Hey ladies do you want to take this guy home to meet your parents. This is trash at it's extreme. Someone should take that stick he's carrying and........ Well I'll let you fill in the blank
London Rayne's Avatar
I say we let Rambro deal with this cat bwahahaha!
the relationship between pimps and hoes is a crazy intense one. The fact these women think its okay to be engaged in situations like this is beyond me. What's even more odd is the fact these these dipshits get women strung out on all types of drugs to better control and manipulate them into being submissive and totally dependent. I hate running into girls who are pimped because every one I have met was PROUD! It must be a part of the brainwashing regime. Make them proud that they're a part of such a strong "family" and daddy takes care of them so well and its their job to invite more girls to join the "family" Tuh! Ridiculous! I hope they keep him for ever! And catch every other low down dirty pimp out there and look their ass up too! Originally Posted by exoticentyce
sounds like the perfect recipe for a cult. brainwashing and continuous recruitment.