Monthly Arrangements

I think for "lower volume" providers this would be a good option. Whether by choice or not.
See my fear with the SugarBabby would be her getting attached and causing hell in my personal life.... Originally Posted by Soonerman12
Go with the feeling.
I kinda figured this was going to be the response, I would get from the ladies here. Most times when someone is looking to go this route that there not looking at provider's. There looking for someone that's working a regular job or going to school but just needs that little extra per month. I do agree that it would have to be a preset day, for it to work. I don't expect the lady to be at my beckon call because she's got a life also. I would frown upon if she had several SD's going at once. To me this would be an exculsive deal to where she wasn't seeing anyone else for P4P. Originally Posted by shorty
I have three clients that have SB's, sometimes I see them solo and sometimes they bring their SB's. All three have a great arrangement with them, and all three of the girls are young. None of the SB's are exclusive though, they see other SD's (the only way you'll know they're exclusive is if the close their SB account). Having met all three girls, they are all girl next door and average in if that's what you want then you can definitely find her. If you're looking for girls that have the skill set and looks like some of the providers I see posting in this thread, it may cost you more than a
Naomi4u's Avatar
I think for "lower volume" providers this would be a good option. Whether by choice or not. Originally Posted by Shayla
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-03-2011, 07:11 AM
I've done a "6 months" arrangement with a good friend of mine. He has a lot of trust for me. Anways, a monthy arrangement sounds awesome also just make sure you know that person well before you do it Originally Posted by Sonya
I think for "lower volume" providers this would be a good option. Whether by choice or not. Originally Posted by Shayla
This is actually not uncommon in DC, and it seems to focus around the two points Sonya and Shayla make: low volume and a preexisting level of trust and ususally friendship. The low volume allows all involved to be flexible with their schedules (the men involved often don't live in DC but travel there often), while the trust factor means each peson believes the other will not take advantage of them. Trust doesn't happen over the course of a few e-mails.

Whether or not it's the right way to go for either a guy or a lady is a very personal thing. I have at times watched as a lady I had seen "retired" because she had monthly arrangements with one or a small number of guys. If she still saw some old clients like me it was pretty clear that the monthly leases took priority over my requests, but since most the guys were out-of-towners the ladies seemed to be able to juggle them to everyones' satisfacion.

It's certainly not for everyone, but it seems to work well for some. A few of these relationships have lasted a long time, often seeming to evolve into an exclusive mistress situation over time. I can't imagine this would work unless there was some level of friendship--or more--between the two.
If a regular client wanted to purchase set number of visit per month or multiple hours at one time. I would have no problem giving a discount. Payment would be in advance and there would be an expiration date. No exclusive deal and booking would work the same.... I would barter also, but the goods or service would have to be something I needed and/or wanted at rate that would be beneficial to me. Not something I could just go purchase at that rate if I chose to do so...

You can call it many different terms, names,services with catch phrases and acronyms.

The ladies are here for many different reasons and conduct there business in many different ways, but the bottom line is its business. And the guys are here to compare prices, service, and ratings, window shop the showcases, negotiate and choose what they consider the best bang for there BUCK...
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm not into the whole SB idea. From what I've seen, the girls tend to be more on the flaky side. It seems that the guys are willing to piss away an un-godly sum of money and then HOPE the girl can live up to the arrangement. I'd prefer to stick with known providers. If I find one that I really enjoy, I will repeat. Maybe if we get really comfortable with each other, here's hoping she might cut me a break on the donations for each session b/c I'm a regular. It would all be up to her (of course).
I would not mind a monthly arrangement if it was someone nice. That would help me a lot especially since I am in college.

I have had a few gentlemen who have given me an advance but no monthly arrangements.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-03-2011, 09:58 AM
The ladies are here for many different reasons and conduct there business in many different ways, but the bottom line is its business. And the guys are here to compare prices, service, and ratings, window shop the showcases, negotiate and choose what they consider the best bang for there BUCK... Originally Posted by LadyRed
If everyone realized that business plans--and pleasure seeking plans--are far from one-size-fits-all we'd have a whole lot fewer arguments.

I would not mind a monthly arrangement if it was someone nice. That would help me a lot especially since I am in college. Originally Posted by mikkifine
That is the case with a lot of the ladies I know for whom this kind of arrangement works.
I travel too much for this to be an option. Even if I had one and she traveled with me, I probably couldn't stand having her around 24/7 even though she's fucking my brains out and doing whatever I wanted her to do.
  • Sami
  • 12-03-2011, 11:12 AM
I have a couple that visit weekly, I offer them a different rate because they do visit so often, and I enjoy the company as well. They 98% of the time give me the full donation , so I revert to extra time. Now if it had to be exclusive , I don't think 1 would cut it for me, since I love my playground.

I do agree with London bartering is fun too, but this again is done with those who see me and treat me well.

I'm not into the whole SB idea. From what I've seen, the girls tend to be more on the flaky side. It seems that the guys are willing to piss away an un-godly sum of money and then HOPE the girl can live up to the arrangement. I'd prefer to stick with known providers. If I find one that I really enjoy, I will repeat. Maybe if we get really comfortable with each other, here's hoping she might cut me a break on the donations for each session b/c I'm a regular. It would all be up to her (of course). Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
This is actually not uncommon in DC, and it seems to focus around the two points Sonya and Shayla make: low volume and a preexisting level of trust and ususally friendship. The low volume allows all involved to be flexible with their schedules (the men involved often don't live in DC but travel there often), while the trust factor means each peson believes the other will not take advantage of them. Trust doesn't happen over the course of a few e-mails.

Whether or not it's the right way to go for either a guy or a lady is a very personal thing. I have at times watched as a lady I had seen "retired" because she had monthly arrangements with one or a small number of guys. If she still saw some old clients like me it was pretty clear that the monthly leases took priority over my requests, but since most the guys were out-of-towners the ladies seemed to be able to juggle them to everyones' satisfacion.

It's certainly not for everyone, but it seems to work well for some. A few of these relationships have lasted a long time, often seeming to evolve into an exclusive mistress situation over time. I can't imagine this would work unless there was some level of friendship--or more--between the two. Originally Posted by Old-T
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  • Old-T
  • 12-03-2011, 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Sonya
Dear beautiful lady,

It has been far, far too long since I have been to San Antonio.
Naomi4u's Avatar
It could be great but then it could also turn out to be a total disaster.
Lots of things to factor in. When will the money for the arrangement be collected? How much to charge? How many times a month?... etc. A lot to think about but could very well be great for the right person.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Dear beautiful lady,

It has been far, far too long since I have been to San Antonio. Originally Posted by Old-T
(Sorry for off topic ladies and gents)

Hola Old-T,

I sure remember our time together. Yes, it's been way to long. Weather in san antonio been crazy from rain, cold, warm. Hope you have a great weekend.


Sonya <3