Looks/Appearance or Great Reviews or a Combination

London Rayne's Avatar
[quote=Shayla;1944613]Hahahahahaha! So true.

Anyway, I there has to be some minor attraction but the reviews and services will be the icing on the cake.
I think a guy would see a less attractive provider (average - not ugly) with great service etc. than a hottie with below average service.[/quote]

Must be, because there are tons of hotter and cheaper babes out there than me for sure, but you don't see me running a special every other week and sending out a mass mailer asking guys to see me.

I have guys who can't stand me, but still want to fk me just for kicks ha ha. It may be more of a "I want to make that biaatch keep quiet for an hour" thing, but whatever works.

  • Laz
  • 12-15-2011, 01:13 PM
Once the minimum looks standard has been met then it is everything else. The phrase I liked was overall consistent quality. Looks matter up to a certain point but after that it is her overall professionalism and personality that I can perceive from her posts and reviews.
Hey, Jannessa I think most guys look at size, price, attitude then looks just my opinion.
Still Looking's Avatar
[quote=London Rayne;1944663]
Hahahahahaha! So true.

Anyway, I there has to be some minor attraction but the reviews and services will be the icing on the cake.
I think a guy would see a less attractive provider (average - not ugly) with great service etc. than a hottie with below average service.[/quote]

Must be, because there are tons of hotter and cheaper babes out there than me for sure, but you don't see me running a special every other week and sending out a mass mailer asking guys to see me.

I have guys who can't stand me, but still want to fk me just for kicks ha ha. It may be more of a "I want to make that biaatch keep quiet for an hour" thing, but whatever works.

Priceless! Originally Posted by Shayla
How do you feel about choking? LOL
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-15-2011, 06:55 PM
For me, a BAD review will usually turn me off & has for several (doesnt neccesarily have to be a "NO" but just certain things that might not sound like fun or a good investment of my hobby fundage. There ARE deal breakers I read about & say "for my time & cash-I expect certain things".

My current fav is probably not the most experienced, or a 9-10 in looks (prolly a 6). She is however nice to be with, doesn't fake it with over the top gyrations, can actually hold a good conversation, and has a very nice body, and her service is solid...her reviews are all good-but not drop dead ATF type. But were enough to get me in the door the first time.
You took the words right out of my mouth now you have to put something back in it LOL. Had my answers ready to type till I scrolled down and read your post. LOL I have to agree with you ALTHOUGH its a process which sometimes don't happen in a chronological order. Sometimes reviews comes before pics or board presence before pics. But at the end of the day none is more important than the other but they are very beneficial together.
* Pictures draw my aesthetic interest.

* Attitude and board presence (if she has one, some just post ads and nothing more) draw my intellectual interest.

* Reviews and services draw my carnal interest.

If she meets 2 out of 3, I will contact her for more information.

If she meets all 3, I will contact her for info and screening requirements.

It should be noted that at any given time, one of those 3 may be weighted more than the others, depends on which head is doing the driving. But, if I'm looking for a lady who I think may be worth repeat visits, she must pass all 3 criteria. Originally Posted by Diomidis
Naomi4u's Avatar
* Pictures draw my aesthetic interest.

* Attitude and board presence (if she has one, some just post ads and nothing more) draw my intellectual interest.

* Reviews and services draw my carnal interest.

If she meets 2 out of 3, I will contact her for more information.

If she meets all 3, I will contact her for info and screening requirements.

It should be noted that at any given time, one of those 3 may be weighted more than the others, depends on which head is doing the driving. But, if I'm looking for a lady who I think may be worth repeat visits, she must pass all 3 criteria. Originally Posted by Diomidis
Well said.

To all others,

How can attitude triumph?

For a lot of ladies that do not post or blog how would you know their attitude if you haven't yet met them.

When you see a girl/guy at the grocery store what is the first thing you notice? Their looks.

Looks gets the interest.

Attitude and service keeps the business.

Words to live by.

Another reason we are so cool with each other. We understand the meaning of good business done properly.
Well said.

To all others,

How can attitude triumph?

For a lot of ladies that do not post or blog how would you know their attitude if you haven't yet met them.

When you see a girl/guy at the grocery store what is the first thing you notice? Their looks.

Looks gets the interest.

Attitude and service keeps the business.

Words to live by.

Zarah Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
simpleton's Avatar
I never do the studio thing....

4) / grammar used - if spelling and grammar are screwy, then I move on...

.. Originally Posted by Roothead
I think your setting the bar a little high.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Another reason we are so cool with each other. We understand the meaning of good business done properly. Originally Posted by JasmineCummings
Yes. Yes my love .