Review: The session that almost was.

sixxbach's Avatar
Sixx, I did a quick scan of Melanie's most recent posts and don't see anything along these lines in them. I've thought about visiting with her at some time, but if that kind of mouthing is going on I'd like a pointer so I can read it myself.

Either my eyes are going south faster than the rest of me, or the comments have been removed? I'd appreciate it so I can document it for myself. Originally Posted by Eraserman

She sure did edit them! I should have quoted but I sure darn well know I wasn't the only one who saw her use the words douchebag, loser etc.

It's all good, she validated my point by her editing her post....

Eraserman's Avatar
She sure did edit them! I should have quoted but I sure darn well know I wasn't the only one who saw her use the words douchebag, loser etc.

It's all good, she validated my point by her editing her post....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Ah, if the world was more like Rocky and Bullwinkle it would be a better place. Plus we'd have a Wayback Machine to help us out at times like this.

I don't have to break my back to earn my money, but it doesn't come easy either and I want to be as sure as I can be I'm not paying for bad attitude that encompasses guys in general.

Another confirmation or 2 will convince me beyond a reasonable doubt she committed suicide by post.

Thanks for the original call on this.
sixxbach's Avatar
Ah, if the world was more like Rocky and Bullwinkle it would be a better place. Plus we'd have a Wayback Machine to help us out at times like this.

I don't have to break my back to earn my money, but it doesn't come easy either and I want to be as sure as I can be I'm not paying for bad attitude that encompasses guys in general.

Another confirmation or 2 will convince me beyond a reasonable doubt she committed suicide by post.

Thanks for the original call on this. Originally Posted by Eraserman
PM a mod I bet one of them saw it. Maybe another hobbyist will step up whether its here on the board or send you a PM. I know what I saw and if I was wrong, she sure as heck would have called me out IMO....

Eraserman's Avatar
PM a mod I bet one of them saw it. Maybe another hobbyist will step up whether its here on the board or send you a PM. I know what I saw and if I was wrong, she sure as heck would have called me out IMO....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I'm sure you saw it, I just have certain guidelines and rules I like to personally follow, like the Rule of 2: if I see it with my 2 eyes or have it confirmed by 2 individuals, it's good. That's just me.
S O B's Avatar
  • S O B
  • 12-22-2011, 06:24 AM
Yeah, you can trust sixx. jUST DON'T buy a square, or expect him not to post libelous lies!
Yes, I saw it, her original post did refer to him as "this loser" and douchebag and she subsequently edited it.

Personally I'd not hold it against her. She got mad about his somewhat misleading "review" (by her account this wasn't even a NCNS, more of an honest expectation reset based on her being worn out that caused him to cancel), came off too harsh then thought better of it and changed what she posted. Who hasn't done that?

Maybe Sixx's comments were taken to heart. Maybe she just read it and thought "oh shit, I didn't mean to say all that what I wrote implies".

Editing is allowed.
sixxbach's Avatar
Yeah, you can trust sixx. jUST DON'T buy a square, or expect him not to post libelous lies! Originally Posted by S O B

You posted some lies about me so I shot back. I am not into incest and I am not gay. Are you going to once again threaten me? You gonna ask for mod's help AGAIN???!!!

Cmon, wanna be stone cold steve austin. Live up to the tough guy image you are trying to portray.....

sixxbach's Avatar
Yes, I saw it, her original post did refer to him as "this loser" and douchebag and she subsequently edited it.

Personally I'd not hold it against her. She got mad about his somewhat misleading "review" (by her account this wasn't even a NCNS, more of an honest expectation reset based on her being worn out that caused him to cancel), came off too harsh then thought better of it and changed what she posted. Who hasn't done that?

Maybe Sixx's comments were taken to heart. Maybe she just read it and thought "oh shit, I didn't mean to say all that what I wrote implies".

Editing is allowed. Originally Posted by irishlad
Irishlad, I agree. I expressed my opinon simply. Maybe she just should have acknowledged her mistake and "manned" up about it. I am one who can admit when I am wrong. I am a monger if her BJ skills are all that, I would still see her. I know how most providers feel about some clients, but we don't need to see it posted in an open forum. As the old saying goes, "don't shit where you eat".

"Should I have just waited until he got here and THEN Said No what is the issue." M.S.

Let me get this straight....did he, or did he not meet her for the session before he was told that the services she was going to provide were limited?? I'm not privy to ROS...but it seems to me that IF the gentleman was told ahead of time (over initial phone conversation) there is no reason for any of this. It's her perogative to change her rates, services, long as she is upfront and honest about it beforehand.

I stay out of drama, unless it's my own .....but it just seems unfair for someone who has a glowing reputation to then have something like this tarnish it. It would be infuriating. So much so...that in the heat of the moment you'd be likely to hurl a couple of derogatory comments. I'm NOT condoning it, but I sure as heck am not going to stone her for it either.

Just me 2cents. Oh wait, give me one back!! We're in a recession here. Just my 1cent.

**Account has been restored, the enemy "S.P.A.M." has been eliminated!!! As the world rejoices.

And there's a band?!

And a wave?! Oh my goodness, this is too much...too much I tell ya!!!!

Okay...I'm done. I got it out of my system. lol It's these little icons...they're just too cute!!
S O B's Avatar
  • S O B
  • 12-22-2011, 11:08 AM
You posted some lies about me so I shot back. I am not into incest and I am not gay. Are you going to once again threaten me? You gonna ask for mod's help AGAIN???!!!

Cmon, wanna be stone cold steve austin. Live up to the tough guy image you are trying to portray.....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
K. SIXX asked for a recant of my conjecture that he is gay or incestous in a pm. HE CLAIMS HE IS NOT. i APOLOGIZE FOR MY CONJECTURE! bUT FIRST, he libeled me saying I brag about being armed, not conjecture, an outright lie. He said he would retract the lie. I'm waiting... And I never threatened any action against him or whispers. Just told them of consequences for involving my family. sixx how do you propose I "live up" to the image???
Gentlemen, enough.
Take your disagreement elsewhere.
Back to the relevant topic. If you have nothing about the relevant topic either make something up, or be SILENT!!


Okay, Let me get this straight....Sixx IS NOT gay or incestous. SOB...IS NOT armed. Damn...all this testosterone's making me HOTTTT....wait a minute. What does conjecture mean??

Did someone just call me a CONJECTURE?!

Okay...I didn't . It's not me, it's the blasted icons I tell ya!!!! I'm leaving, I'm leaving.....

**Sorry...posted this before warning.**
unless they are paying me.. I rarely to never DATY a Provider
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Ah, if the world was more like Rocky and Bullwinkle it would be a better place. Plus we'd have a Wayback Machine to help us out at times like this.

I don't have to break my back to earn my money, but it doesn't come easy either and I want to be as sure as I can be I'm not paying for bad attitude that encompasses guys in general.

Another confirmation or 2 will convince me beyond a reasonable doubt she committed suicide by post.

Thanks for the original call on this. Originally Posted by Eraserman
FWIW I saw it too

If she told him upfront before he arrived what to except then she did the right thing as did he by not deciding to not have the session till a later time when she was up for all he was wanting