Sitting Here Watching The Debate

Fast Gunn's Avatar
These knucklehead Republicans are having endless debates, but still have not even settled on how is going to face President Obama.

The GOP strategy appears to be to block everything President Obama and bring the economy down the toilet and the President down with it.

Then they think they can rule over the ruins. It makes my blood boil!

Do they really think the American people are so stupid they won't see through that shameful approach to grab power?

. . . I expect a landslide victory for President Obama that will show the world what a strong mandate he has to push his agenda through!

joe bloe's Avatar
McCain was not nearly aggressive enough. He let Obama off the hook on his relationship with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and all sorts of damaging stuff.

If Gingrich gets the nomination, I think he will annihilate Obama in the debates. Gingrich says he's going challenge Obama to seven three hour unmoderated real debates. If Obama refuses the challenge, he's going to look bad; if he accepts, he will be destroyed. Socialism can't be successfully defended.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGunn, you live in a fantasy world. Obama will probably be re-elected, but it won't be because of his agenda, it will be because the Republicans are stupid. Crap, read the NDAA! He wants dictatorial powers, and the Republicans gave it to him! This is too bizarre to be believed.

FastGunn, you live in a fantasy world. Obama will probably be re-elected, but it won't be because of his agenda, it will be because the Republicans are stupid. Crap, read the NDAA! He wants dictatorial powers, and the Republicans gave it to him! This is too bizarre to be believed.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
"the republicans are stupid"......finally, we agree on something.
I B Hankering's Avatar

. . . I expect a landslide victory for President Obama that will show the world what a strong mandate he has to push his agenda through!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You'll probably be disappointed.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You'll probably be disappointed. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And he's a total fucking moron.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
FastGunn, you live in a fantasy world. Obama will probably be re-elected, but it won't be because of his agenda, it will be because the Republicans are stupid. Crap, read the NDAA! He wants dictatorial powers, and the Republicans gave it to him! This is too bizarre to be believed.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are a ignorant slut.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How could the moral majority ever vote for the Newtster??? Originally Posted by ekim008
I think you mean "moral minority"
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
McCain was electable until he selected Palin as his running mate. For the rest of his life he'll kick himself in the butt for that move. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
no, he was never electable. I figured right that he would lose badly.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You are a ignorant slut. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
geez, call someone a slut? is that the best you can do?

you're pathetic!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It's almost like President Obama made a personal call to them saying, "push Romney, push Romney, push Romney". PLEASE PUSH ROMNEY.

Having that bunch of liberal hacks analyze a Rebublican Debate is like having a bunch of Gay Guys write reviews on Escorts. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Like you?

Watching a republican debate on fox is like watching one with donald trump as the moderator. Like newt was going to do.

I can't wait for the debates. We got a hold of a bunch of marshall's shit sandwiches cheap, he had only bitten them twice, and I can't wait to watch you lick your fingers off after eating them all.

Douche bag.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are a ignorant slut. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I am NOT ignorant!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I am NOT ignorant!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
you're slutty but not ignorant? hmm?
waverunner234's Avatar
But he's right about at least one thing.
GOP candidates are too stupid to beat Obama.
BigLouie's Avatar