offering money to a civilian for sex

Jack Flash's Avatar
I'm confused about this thread.

Why are you offering to pay civilian women in a bar to fuck you????

Just buy them some drinks and fuck them....
HoustonMatt's Avatar
I'm confused about this thread.

Why are you offering to pay civilian women in a bar to fuck you????

Just buy them some drinks and fuck them.... Originally Posted by Jack Flash
+1, my thoughts exactly
Randall Creed's Avatar
I get what he's saying...or the gist of it.

There isn't much difference between a loose civilian and a provider...except one is smart enough to do it for money.

When and if times get hard enough for civilians, and they turn into a provider, they'll wonder why they didn't start doing it sooner.

This is a good thread.
... I had one guy text me after a one night stand " Hey check your purse".
he had left $200 in my purse before he left. First I was kinda offended, but then I got an idea....
I get what he's saying...or the gist of it.

There isn't much difference between a loose civilian and a provider...except one is smart enough to do it for money.

When and if times get hard enough for civilians, and they turn into a provider, they'll wonder why they didn't start doing it sooner.

This is a good thread. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
++++ 100. I hate to hear "OMG, I could never do that" In the back of my mind I'm thinking, bitch your doin it for free all over town...
"Oh wow, you mean he bought you dinner?" sheesh.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Rambro, that is some of the most intelligent shit you have ever written Bro!

I met a chick at work, who doesn't work with me any more. She was once a dancer and relayed to me that she and another dancer did a guy at his home and he paid them both.

That was all I needed to hear. We've hooked up once and she wants to do it again. I gave her a little cash for "day care"....that's what we called it. She has very limited time between her SO and kids.

And yes my brothers I was trying to introduce her to an EEEAASY way to make some cash but she said she was doing it because she felt comfortable with me. DAMNN!!!
Dark, I have to admit.... I'm enjoying you under me!
josecuervo6969's Avatar
Jack I guess I confused you bro. I am not saying I go into bars throwing money at drunk sluts every night. What I am talking about random chicks you meet or friends of a friend you hear about or meet, chicks you had worked with, or even chicks online. Guys if I go into a bar and a drunk bitch wants to fuck me, I ain't talking about tipping her......I am talking about upfront, cut the b.s., straight up offer money and save the time on the drinks, food, bullshit time wasted and you might get laid.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Women I know in certain places, while they're not official providers by title, you ain't getting the drawls unless pay a phone bill, a light bill, take the kids school shopping or shit like that. You just ain't gone walk in and get the pussy for free. Even while going about in this manner, some would see 'hooking' as beneath them. This is along the same lines as those 'brothas' who won't 'pay a ho' (their words, not mine) straight up, but would pay the phone bill or whatever.

I don't see much difference in either method, myself. It costs the buyer $ either way. She can do what she wants with the money. To each his own, I suppose.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Speaking of the taboo of this subject, I think it exists because the masses doesn't want to 'give in'. This is just my belief, but I think just about every woman would LOOOOOVE to hear a cha-ching in their bank accounts every time a dick went in them. On the polar opposite of that, I'm sure almost every guy LOATHES having to come out of the pocket to get laid. We in the hobby do it. We'd RATHER get it for free, but we understand the dynamics of the business and accept it. I mean, if one of these providers called me up and went, "Rambro, come over and spend the night with me. It's on the house, and bring A LOT of condoms.", I'd be like, "Hell, yeah!". I'd fly over before she finished the last sentence. [envision me knocking on the door before she hung the phone up]

If enough people on either side pushed past the stigma I think it would open up the minds of the other side. If enough women knew enough other women who were getting paid for it, they'd be more inclined to do it. If guys were OPENLY paying for it, more guys would probably openly pay for it. That said, guys deep down would rather get it for free, even though we know how valuable it is. Of course, we spend money ELSEWHERE on behalf of pussy. No guy buys a condo or a Porsche or $2,000 suit because he likes it for himself. He buys all that shit because he thinks it'll get him laid. I think guys push the stigma hard to keep 'control' of it. They don't want women getting the 'bright idea' of charging for sex, at least not openly.

If prostitution is ever to be legal, then it's up to women to make that happen. The problem with that, I think, is no one wants to be the first one to step over that line.
josecuervo6969's Avatar
Actually only on a couple of occasions have I flat out got to the point and offered money with the intent of getting laid. Most of what I am speaking of is just conversations I have had with females without intent of trying to fuck them. Trying to figure out their logic.
I hear a lot of girls, mostly dancers and sluts/girl next door that always tell me "You know Eva, I don't fuck ..." and I think to myself "Yea you do fuck, just not to take care of yourself. " To me it's really not that serious being that this should be a calling/enjoyed for those who do it.

I even had a roommate who screwed three guys in one day (my def of a slut) and went around our neighbors asking to borrow change to wash her funky sheets! lol. Pathetic.

See my point???

Randall Creed's Avatar
Sista girl....DAMN!!!

Why didn't you tell me you was THIS fine!?!

Need a daddy or something??

Just saying.
blowpop's Avatar
There isn't much difference between a loose civilian and a provider...except one is smart enough to do it for money. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
The biggest difference is that the provider won't blow up your phone the next day wanting to hang out. That's worth the price of the session right there.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I'd take a loose civilian over a hooker any day. And if the civi does call or text the next day.. all that means is that she wants to fuck again.. whats wrong with that?