I didn't read the review so don't know what OSD said, but have in the past and recall his friendship with Hunter. If anything I am jealous of his relationship. Not white knighting. To me wk'ing is when you go out of your way to defend a provider and be critical of a poor review or comments attacking the reviewer. We all have different opinions and desires but can agree to disagree with a ymmv understanding. Wk'ing is also going out of your way to promote the same girl over and over again. When one posts a positive comment about a girl and then 10 more comments saying the same thing, they are expressing an opinion and might be considered overkill so it depends on the reader and what they consider that.
Maybe not all but quite a few post comments on here hoping an atf reads what you said about them and appreciate the positive remarks. Is that White Knighting? If it's totally out of the blue yes, but if included in a general on point topic no. IMHO there are some grey areas here. When Artone put out the post Lauren contacted him about coming to town some may consider that WK'ing. I don't.