What comes to mind for you when you hear...

@Ava & Z

Both of you should know me well enough by now to know I sometime post items that stretch one's incredulity. I guess I should have followed the post with a smilie saying so.

that is so cool.... brought a smile to my face, which was quickly replaced by a mischievous grin thinking about you and your friend shaggin.... Originally Posted by Roothead

He was a true friend. We used to laugh about how when I pulled up to his house, he lived in a gated community for 55 plus seniors only. Most of the people there were in their 70's and 80's, and many were widows, as you know, women often outlive men. They would always peer out of their window when I would drive up, and he said " You're giving me a bad reputation here as a dirty old man." I told him, " I like dirty old men, nothing wrong with that." We had some great times together, and then he moved to be closer to his son in another state. When I last saw him, he just celebrated his 91st birthday!

Most of the time, he was just very lonely, and we would snuggle. When he'd fall asleep, that's when I would clean the house and prepare him his favorite breakfast ( a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) and put it on a plate with a glass of milk on his nightstand. One day he called me and said, " I believe an angel came in the night and cleaned my house."

I really miss the guy.

That's a really sweet story.

I once got an email out of the blue from a friend/former employer. I responded immediately, and the end I wrote, "I really miss you guys." She emailed back that she really needed that statement; was having a particularly bad day, and the statement made her cry.

I think we oftentimes do ourselves a big disservice by not expressing even the smallest kindness.
you are exactly right CS....I just got home and had a wonderful weekend with the gentleman I made this thread about...and the whole weekend was based on doing simple gestures of kindness and never knowing when the simplest thing can and will make the biggest difference to someone...

That's a really sweet story.

I once got an email out of the blue from a friend/former employer. I responded immediately, and the end I wrote, "I really miss you guys." She emailed back that she really needed that statement; was having a particularly bad day, and the statement made her cry.

I think we oftentimes do ourselves a big disservice by not expressing even the smallest kindness. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Always Horny's Avatar

Here I am considering taking an overseas civilian contractor position for a few months in ... Afghanistan. And then I read this thread.

So, now I'm wondering when I'm slogging through 12-hour days, seven days a week in 110+ degree temps with dust and sand choking my lungs, what lovely lady is going to be writing to me, helping to keep my spirits up (and my fantasies going...)?
Send me a pm...I am sure there are alot of ladies who would write you...plus your from NY so u get bonus points...

Here I am considering taking an overseas civilian contractor position for a few months in ... Afghanistan. And then I read this thread.

So, now I'm wondering when I'm slogging through 12-hour days, seven days a week in 110+ degree temps with dust and sand choking my lungs, what lovely lady is going to be writing to me, helping to keep my spirits up (and my fantasies going...)? Originally Posted by Always Horny