Maya and Marco??? Almost alert worthy?

I know plenty of well known babes that sign their texts. It's usually just an automated sig. Nothin shady 'bout that.
The google voice thing is a bit weird. I use the same thing.

Meaning, it's weird to not be ok w it.
cckid2006's Avatar
according to the mods we are naive believing we won't be outed on this board

I really don't care how good or pretty of a girl Maya or anyone else is. Nobody is worth the risk of being outed. Originally Posted by txAustin202
  • Vyt
  • 01-19-2012, 06:37 PM
While I won't discuss the specific content of a Men's Lounge post in an open forum, you are *wildly* mischaracterizing what that mod told you, and breaches of security are *never* tolerated.
I saw 2 of Marco's girls several years back when it was minttalent and everything went cool plus it was probably the most I've ever spent, but Like I said before hopefully Marco should use common sense and just run a legit business. There's a difference between having common sense and being smart.
Marco is just smart and he needs to stop biting the hand of those that feed him which is the hobbyist, but he's going to be around until he decides to do something more interesting. Everybody should realize that being the hobbyist or provider there's risk and if don't want to deal with the Marco's of the world find something else to do.
My 2 pennies.
While I won't discuss the specific content of a Men's Lounge post in an open forum, you are *wildly* mischaracterizing what that mod told you, and breaches of security are *never* tolerated. Originally Posted by Vyt
Sure hope cckid is being dealt with for his breach! He sure was overly insistent that you deal with rock1man1. And really liked quoting the rules . Guess he didn't read the one about posting stuff from the Men's Lounge in open forums ?
Yeah, Bailey contacted me and said she quit the hobby because Marco told her boyfriend what she was doing (via facebook). She was crushed and called me crying... If your smart you will just stay away from that mess.. Either you want to see the girls associated with him and take that risk or you don't! Why do you think he took the site down? SO nobody could see who was really associated with him... Marco is a smart guy and is well known in the Austin community. If I was in his shoes, I would just come clean and stop with all this covering up and lying to clients. Bad buisness Originally Posted by AustinsGurlz
This just reenforces what I said about crossing over to the dark side. What is the absolute lowest and most vile thing one can do in the hobby? Outing someone and ruining their life for whatever reason. An agency no less.

He outs his own girls out of spite. He outs clients out of spite. He is deceptive in dealing with new potential clients.

Clearly this is NOT the same professional guy many have had dealings with in years past. That was then but this is Now.

I remember him years back even before he started Mint when he actually wanted to make a good impression by pleasing clients.
With Mint he was the first to up the rate to $300 hr way before everyone else yet few people made a fuss because of the selection of girls and his being easy to work with.

I don't know what happened to him to cause such a drastic turn around but IMO he is now by far the most dangerous non-criminal entity in the hobby today.

If his agency ever gets targeted by LE you can be sure he will be using all of his ill gotten client data to score points and cover his ass.
EastBayRay's Avatar
If his agency ever gets targeted by LE you can be sure he will be using all of his ill gotten client data to protect his ass.
Truer words have never been written.
  • BFE
  • 01-19-2012, 09:09 PM
Marco was always up straight up with me and booked with him a number of times through the years. Originally Posted by undercover1
I happen to agree. I never had a issue. I never had a single thing to complain when I met any of his girls. I do recognize there's some drama about this whole thing right now. Just providing my own personal experience.

Since we're on that note. I also never faced any drama with Michael from TAE.

Hey, and since we're on the topic. I never had an issue with Jay from LSE either.

The three of them were always very professional. No complaints on my side.

Shit. I really should try to write more reviews.
I personally avoid any girls that had been associated or I'm suspicious of being associated with Marco besides those 2 I saw years ago before eccie existed. There's a reason why I've never done reviews of a lot of girls I've seen over the years. I also avoid TAE girls for the same reasons. I agree with CodyBeast, a lot people might be in deep shit if Marco has you in his pocket and LE gets him or he just uses the info for leverage.
Good thing I pick my girls carefully, I don't pussy on a pedestal and I'm cheap.