GOP establishment in panic?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Voter fraud happens but to me it's not at a level where there was a need for a huge reform- where you have nearly 100 million people on any election what are the chances it's going to be 100% fool proof????? Can you name me an election where voter fraud determined an outcome??? We all know about the infamous Florida results in 2000. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Voter fraud in Florida in 2000 made the race appear closer than it was. Two examples:
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are a serial exaggerator!
Some one? The Spielchicker-in-Cheaf flubs another one! LMAO!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
That's your stock-in-trade. BTW, 'Spielchicker-in-Cheaf' is misspelled. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
This is a bogus study. Have you actually read it? It enumerates documented cases of voter fraud and then concludes there is no voter fraud. Seriously?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I have not forgotten about you, Olivia or our wager, but modesty prevents me from answering your question directly.

However, I can recount a magical encounter
without embellishment that I once had with a beautiful amazon who after our love making looked at me with dreamy eyes and whispered "you are very talented."

I was already walking on air from the after-glow and responded, "Well, if I was, it was only because you inspired me"

. . . Sweet memories that stir the soul are never forgotten!

Ya, but if you're a good lover, and I'm betting you are, we both win !

I hope to ever loving God that Romney gets the nomination. There's no way Newt can win. He has too much baggage and mean in him.

We as a nation, need to move to move more towards the middle. Newt is too far to the Right – like as in way Right, and Obama can’t lead. He’s letting the extremes of the Democrat party dictate policy and the legislative branch lead as the chief executive.

Couldn’t be truer, and I hope not! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
TexTushHog's Avatar
If I thought it would make any difference, I'd send Newt money. He's the best thing going for the Democrats right now.

Everybody is pissed off to find out that Romney paid 15% of his income in taxes since Christ was a corporal. Wait until they figure out that under Newt's tax plan, he pays nothing!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tax all his money. And Buffett. And Gates. And all the rest. There's not enough there to cover ONE year's budget! I'm not saying don't tax them, I'm just saying don't tax them and think the problem will be solved. It's the SPENDING, Stupid!
Tax all his money. And Buffett. And Gates. And all the rest. There's not enough there to cover ONE year's budget! I'm not saying don't tax them, I'm just saying don't tax them and think the problem will be solved. It's the SPENDING, Stupid! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

We're currently running a structural fiscal deficit of close to 9% of GDP. Even if we were to return statutory tax rates, on both ordinary income and capital gains, to the levels of the 1960s and 1970s, we would collect additional revenue of only a fraction of 1% of GDP.

Anyone who thinks we can cover more than a very small percentage of our current budget deficit without taxing the stuffing out of lower-income households is living in a fantasy world.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timpage, the Tea Party is in the minority but two years ago they didn't have anyone in Congress. Now it is about 55 reps and a couple of hundred others around the country. Sounds like a start.

Well Endowed: I give you the race in Clay county, KY
and Clay County, MO

For those of you who don't want to read about Clay County, MO (Well Endoweds backyard) a liberal democrat (Rizzo) won an election for state rep by one (1) vote. It was discovered that several illegal aliens from Somalia were driven to the polls by Rizzo operatives and they voted. A judge decided that the election was stolen but decided against making the taxpayers pay for a new election. The election was stolen and the villian is sitting in the Missouri State House.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Tax all his money. And Buffett. And Gates. And all the rest. There's not enough there to cover ONE year's budget! I'm not saying don't tax them, I'm just saying don't tax them and think the problem will be solved. It's the SPENDING, Stupid! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You post has nothing to do with the fairness issue.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Edited out by poster.

Contains strong language not suitable for children.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You post has nothing to do with the fairness issue. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I know. Fairness is not an issue.
fair could be a head tax..everyone pays the same amount..but i wont go that far...but in the least its having every adult pay at least something in the way of income tax and if anyones tax rate goes up..everyones does in some amount

fair is not wasting the hell out of the public treasurys money

fair is firing about 1/3 of government employees

fair is leveling government employees salary, benefits and retirement to be the average of the average american they are supposedly serving

fair is living within a balanced budget

fair is not sending airforce two on a vacation trip 4 hours before airforce one goes on that same trip

fair is giving honor to producers and extolling them instead of creating suspicion and envy and mistrust and spite against them

fair could be a personal attribute instead of a government dictate which defines fair in some bureaucratic idiots ideological fashion...a personal attribute like romney donating 3 plus million a year to charity while biden donates $353 total one year and about $900 the next..romney gave about 15% of his income to charity..obama gave 1% to charity

fair is putting the focus on the real problem in america..the people who dont even hold up their own end much less contribute to society...not the kids, not the needy elderly or infirm...the spongers and scammers and professional students and frauds and ppl who look at jobs as beneath them..

there are most likely a lot of other fair things
If I thought it would make any difference, I'd send Newt money. He's the best thing going for the Democrats right now.

Everybody is pissed off to find out that Romney paid 15% of his income in taxes since Christ was a corporal. Wait until they figure out that under Newt's tax plan, he pays nothing!!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well you say you're a big, rich Texan. Do you send in additional monies on your non-ordinary income? I'll bet the Obamas don't either. It's not a crime to be rich.

I never understood the release of income tax statements anyway. It's none of anyone else's business how much someone else makes. Granted, since it is common practice, he should have released his income tax returns in the beginning. His wealth would have been on page 4 and already forgotten.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey NGIT! Those are some good definitions. I might add a couple of the following:

It is fair to not take the fruit of someone's labor involuntarily, and give it someone else.

It is fair to not create debt which future generations will have to pay.

It is fair to not imprison someone without probable cause and reasonable bail.

This could be fun.
But they were PROMISED FAIR and they DESERVE it. Along with HOPE & CHANGE.